Tree of Savior Forum

Subweapon attack crit chance (Corsair Double weapon assault)

Does the subweapons auto attacks, mainly daggers, do crits?

Using the corsair buffs. would both attacks crit or just the main hand attack?

What do you mean by “both attacks”?

I get the feeling you have no idea what double weapon assault does.

It just lets you use ‘C’ quicker after using ‘Z’.
It’s actually still slower than holding ‘C’ and pushing the direction key towards your target to animation cancel.

To sum it up:
You have to be standing still on the ground.
Doesn’t actually let you attack faster.
Doesn’t do any extra damage.
Drains stamina.

It has only negatives.

Now if you were playing an archer you could use Running Shot which
Lets you attack 30% faster
Do triple damage
Attack from range
You can run around while doing it
Costs less skill points

Now that we’ve gone over this you should understand how bad your experience will be as a swordsman- because everything about swordsman compares just as poorly. Thanks IMC.

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I mean, does the sub weapon attack do crits.

Regardless of how it is performed. Just wanted to know if the dagger attack crits.

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I wish I knew so I could give you an answer, but I do find it hilarious that the other guy completely ignored your question in it’s entirety and then proceeded to talk about something completely different lol.


yes, the dagger attack can crit too

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Ya tnx :smiley:

i’ve also found a vid where it does crit.

i have Corsair C2 atm. I can confirm that off hand can crit. however, the skill is self is bug ><.

Wow way to be a complete pos when answering a question. Best part is you didn’t even answer the fking question.

As for answering the OP yes it can crit and proc main hand effects such as toy hammer. As for is it faster than holding a direction I don’t know you tell me @Turbosodomy But then again people in this game have this ■■■■ idea of ■■■■ builds and feel that nothing else comes close to it so they go out of their way to piss in people’s cheerios

Disclaimer: I am not a swordsman, I just hate when someone asks a legit questions and someone decides to be a complete tool.

You’re the one being a complete tool- not sure you noticed this but my post didn’t magically stop other people from being able to post. I assumed he thought it worked like RO’s double attack or something.

Maybe you need to go over what you wrote. Apparently I’m the tool for pointing out you not answering his question… And being completely negative towards the entire class in a whole because you felt like jumping in and being tumblr triggered about swordsman… lol Apparently English is not your native language then and you were trying to be nice, and this is some alternate reality where answering someone involves not answering them. If it is…

Or maybe instead of trying to be Edgey I hate imc because swordsman was a waste of my time, you can just answer his question or say I don’t know. Look I get it swordsman isn’t in the best state but when I messed around with it I neither saw the terrible damage people harp on or the terrible downsides… But that is still no real excuse to just piss in this guy’s cherrios for asking a question… So back to my original statement… Stop being a tool. If your going to conveniently try to warp what you said, delete your old message first, it makes it easier.

I’m a corsair C3 and I gave him the total breakdown. One of our opinions is valid and one isn’t. Guess which is which? See ya.

I didn’t “piss in his cheerios” as you so maturely accused, either-- my post was factual in nature.
I hope the following link will help to repair the damage to your mind done by common core:

Swordie is all kinds of broke.

I could continue this debate on how your wrong but to be honest I rather enjoy my time playing games then going into a back and forth match with someone on the forum. Yes I insulted you and for that I’m sorry, I was more so annoyed that people tend to not answer questions and just go directly to the worst ■■■■ ever as your post had done. As for your Arthur link fun lol, sorry I irritated you to the point that you had to look up a pbs link to retaliate. I assume we are adults since you reference the common core math thing act like it… lol. Going to unfollow this post now and find something better to do with my life, like play the ps4 games collecting dust since I’m off work most of this week.

Have fun being mad, or whatever it is you forum people do.

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You’re quite the passive-aggressive little bitch boy, aren’t you?
Try being more subtle about how much of a beta you are next time-- I could practically hear your mom’s 8 cats in the background.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Hmm K I’ll admit I was curious, (and for some reason the forum notified me about a muted post… go fig). Wow, I apparently live with my mom? No I actually take care of a 79 yr old woman with dementia and alzheimer’s, no cats here though. Would really like to get one, had to get rid of it when I moved back to Ohio.

Dude you really need to learn to be less angry, sure your blood pressure is somewhere in the 180’s and you sound like you play league of legends.

Seriously though how the hell do I get this ■■■■ to stop notifying me -continues to click options-.

Yes I’m sure you will reply to get the last word in, have fun. <3

Kick ass found it I just have to mute you, might I add going to your profile you are a regular ray of sunshine covered in sprinkles and glitter… Wow your an angry person, Stay frosty my friend and maybe get a stress ball. -Laters

Thanks for the numerous whiny walls of text. All because you were intellectually intimidated and couldn’t keep your mouth shut. I hope you learned something from this.