Tree of Savior Forum

Strong AOE Monk Skill combo build

Sorry for making so many build thread… I just find so many different and good combination with these classes.

This is strong Aoe build for cleric type class.

Here is ingredient

  1. Cleric Deprotected Zone for nerfing enemies defense.

  2. Deprotected Zone: Follow Enemy attribute Cast circle will follow the nearest monster.

  3. Monk Palm of the Goddess is strong Aoe skill which destroys enemies defense.

End result. Very high Aoe dmg strike with huge ass monster defense nerfing

What makes this build is even more awesome is that Palm of the Goddess has short CD.

You can post your builds here instead:

I agree, the Monks amazing. It’s just getting there that’s difficult since its the only class in the cleric line that scales well off STR.

Try this combo:

Deprotected Zone + Palm of Goddess + Divine might (5 or 10) + Paladin’s Smite

You can be Paladin circle 1 + Monk Circle 2. Smite is one of the hardest hitting skills in game. You only need 1 Paladin Circle, because the rest of the work will come from Cleric’s Divine might.

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Hey man! Thats is even better!

your primary problem

Deprotected Zone is only 1 tile

THank u for the link!

Actually no it has 8 range at level 15 and if u upgrade Deprotected Zone: Follow Enemy attribute… the Cast circle will follow the nearest monster.

Didn’t know you could make Deprotected Zone follow enemies. Do you have a list of where your finding these passives?

Monks skill might have even more potential because we dont have info about their attributes.

your build is similar to my build
here is my build:

But how you get from klerik to monk? without skilling some other stuff? i m not able to compete with the mobs at my current level?

Guys i need help im MONK 130 with 160 dex i was following this build:

But now everyone tells me that i just screw the whole build with status and repeat the Char, what do u guys think’???

What i think is everyone claims to know everything in this game but in fact don’t. There are no optimal build to the game, since it’s being updated too and something gets uped/nerfed from time to time. I always do my build with what i want to do. And you know what? It works greatly, so stop sometimes to hear everything out from others and do what you want. And even if your build feel somewhat a letdown right now it may be uped later, or get some hidden combos with next classes.

And remember that right now there is some OP combos for some classes like for example the ice shards. But they are already getting nerfed in korea ^^ And it is a burst phase that will work once and have a cooldown of one minute after that. ( 3min cooldown if you want the full burst with rune caster )

Sometimes don’t underrate low class buffs attributes; For example on my cataphract-dragoon that did almost all the dps at sometime with most of the parties once i was cataphract (so at rank 4). I felt like my dps was dropping again and again. Just by maxing attributs of concentrate/gung ho my dps is back to the honnorable dps it was. (even if with other ranks 7, it’s not as it was at that time and i’m no longer the greatest dps or maybe just by a little sometimes, but i’m on equal ground with every other dps ^^)