Tree of Savior Forum

Str vs Dex Dragoon with new Rank 8

Really new player, level 70 or so, working towards dragoon. Mostly put full dex, as that’s what a friend told me to do. Really wondering if that’s the smartest option so far. Would appreciate any help, regarding endgame dragoon stat allocation.

here is the build and stat allocation he did for me.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Honestly,I’m pretty happy with high STR.I am 3:2:1 STR:CON:DEX and doing plenty of good damage even on auto attack.I got some DEX to slightly boost my crits and I’m at 100 now,but I think I was at plenty closer to 90 even.

I think you need to balance it out more,personally.STR vs DEX is hotly contested,but I think a higher base damage wouldn’t hurt in your case.At level 70 and on you can still start putting into STR and make it at least even out closer to 330 if you want to toggle points between the two.

Speaking as a level 231 Dragoon.

if you’re worried about it you could just go with dex and use physical attack and critical damage gems if you end up with too much.

Yeah but for example.

Dragoon 2 has a skill that makes target take 100% more physical damage
Dragoon 2 has a skill with 2 overcharges and relatively low cooldown (16 seconds) that deals 16k damage
100% extra on 16k is 32k
150% (crit) on 32k is 48k
48k*2 overcharges = 96000 damage in ~1 second every 16 seconds
Now lets say your have 1k Str going full str instead of having ~70% crit with full dex
You will do 16+1k = 17k
100% extra on 17k is 34k
And thats it
Str is better when damage is low
Dex is better when damage is high
Rank 8 has ridiculously high damage values wich you can’t even get near by going str.

Am I wrong in this, or?

bump bump bump bump bump bump up ^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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And what makes it all about str and con? mathmatically speaking, what I just wrote was more damage than STR, no? if str is better, I want to know how, specially with rank 8 coming. Need mathmatical answers, not just a hypothesis with no proof, or something to back up your statement proving that str will out damage dex.

  • Mainly PvE as I don’t know how PvP is in this game, yet. - Also, I do plan to have high con. Mainly talking about str vs dex here.

Just wanting to find out what’s 100% correct so I don’t waste time with my build. It appears dex is superior in my calculations I did above, but if I’m wrong I’d like to know. STR gives damage, I understand. But with the power creep, and rank 8 coming, 16k damage skill? With str, it won’t be much more. With dex, crits, overcharge, etc.

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There is no real answer.

Full Dex used to do the most of damage if your gear is better
Full Str used to do most sustained damage with mid equip

but Full DEX is most likely better if base spell damage is hig.

You need the Crit Damage Gems or Crit Ratio Gems and overall better equip.

Str add Flat Damage and Crit Damage, criticals deal 50% damage + Flat Crit damage.

A Naked FULL STR swordman at 280 has about 730 ATK, it means he will deal 730 more dmage with all spells and attacks.

If you gonna Crit with this much ATK you will deal 1,5K, and you got no weapon in the calculation.
Is i am right Detrone deals 16570 damage at lv5. With 730 Atk deals 17300 damage. With Serpentine Debuff 34600, if it crits 52600 damage. Not considering any equipment.

With a full DEX you will most likely have only 300 base damage. but you will crit for 70% and more times. At this poj t you have to invest in crit damage.

(((((Skill Attack + Effective Attack) + (random(0% … 100%) * Magic Amplification)) * (100% + T0)) - ((Effective Defense * (100% + Level Penalty)) + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack) + Extra Elemental Attack + Enemy Specific Damage) * (100% + T1) * (100% + T2) * (100% + T3) * (100% + Enhance) + Bonus Damage

it means with Detrone, vs a Red Truffle and with Serpetine debuff

(((((16570 + 730) + (0)) * (100% + 17300)) - ((241 * (100% + Level Penalty)) + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack [440]) + Extra Elemental Attack + Enemy Specific Damage) * (100% + 0) * (100% + 0) * (100% + 100%) * (100% + Enhance) + Bonus Damage

Full str
(17300 - 240) (*1,5+ 440 if crit ) * (2 if serpentine)
= 52K~ [it critted]
= 34,6K~ [Not critted]

Full DEX
(16800-240) (*1,5+ 440 if crit ) * (2 if serpentine)
=49K~ [It critted
=33K [Not Critted]

I still prefer FULL DEX with skill with alot of damage.

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thank youuuuuuuu. finally got a really decent answer. I think i’ll stick with my dex after looking all that over. so very much appreciated.

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