Tree of Savior Forum

⭐ Drawing for Beta Key ~ ⭐

actually , no. it was the only beta key I received and I’m really thankfull :heart_eyes:
this game is so cool, Im just lost in the classes ~

Ok now I’m confused who actually gave you a key but oh well, enjoy the game anyways XD
and yeah you might wanna start planning your path now with this:

can someone give me a spare key also? it was unfortunate that i only discover this game a week ago and been looking for a key ever since… T_T

i’m sorry if i’m kinda highjacking the OP’s thread. but since OP already received a key, i’ll assume it’s kinda okay to ask for key here.

do tell me if what i’m doing is not okay. i’ll remove it as soon as i can (if that’s possible, sorry its my first post).


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Since I got my key for free, I’ll be willing to do the waifu thing for the person who gives a key to this Ataya person ~ :dizzy:

wow I love your chibi drawing, it’s sooo cute :3
and gz for your free beta key, I’m also always late to the beta sign up even tho
I’m waiting since july Q_Q
hope I can make it next time tho!

wow… thanks for the support OP… and sorry for highjacking your thread. hope i’ll receive a key soon. :smile:

I need a key too :frowning: i tryed to get one in CBT and i can’t… i was following this page for long… i’m glad u got a key but i need another one :frowning: thanks to all