This was in the news
So why when looking through the patch notes
There’s no mention of it?
This was in the news
So why when looking through the patch notes
To be fair: upcoming patch may refer to any patch from now to the end of time.
Also they announced it midweek and may not had enough time to implement changes, bugfix where needed and smoketest so it wasnt included in this maintenance.
Well it said THE upcoming patch not AN upcoming patch, so it’s assumed to be the next one
Edit: Tbh i wouldnt mind if they just hadnt had the time to implement it but at least would’ve been nice to hear word about it in the announcement like “We promised about team storage being availaible to non token users but we havent been able to do this yet” or something.
Koopa give me patience…
But they did
or do they have to describe every little thing they are working on?
Note that: “as Soon™ as possible” may refer to any timeframe as well.
I guess you’re right sorry for the inconvenience
Btw, they still add things to patchnotes. They just added a bot report function so miracle may still happen.
Oh wow, now i feel dumb, i should wait until maintenance is over next time orz
Well yes, if they promise a specific feature is going to be implemented next patch, but it’s not, then they absolutely should mention it.
The general “still working on the rest” is for anything they haven’t specified a timeframe for, and will be ready when it’s ready to be announced later. That’s fine. We already know it’s in the works, so no need to repeat that in every announcement.
[quote=“nizidr, post:8, topic:188811, full:true”]
Btw, they still add things to patchnotes. They just added a bot report function so miracle may still happen.[/quote]
I see, I’ll check again once the game’s back up, but if there’s no free team storage then people have every right to complain.
Nope, Team Storage is still Token only.
Why must IMC make this a Tree of Lies?!
Gotta cash grab more!