Tree of Savior Forum

Snow Buglling need fix ASAP

Snow Rolling

After the last patch, the skill (when used at maximum lvl) on the TBL will lock the opponent until the end of the match

Similar to what happened with druid telepathy


Hello @VacaOverpower! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Kindly send a support ticket and it would be better if you can provide a video of the issue to help on investigation. thanks :slight_smile:

@VacaOverpower Por sua sorte vaca, eu tenho um vídeo de como o char fica depois de ficar com a tela preta.

@GM_Francis take a good look at this so, this is what happens after the death black screen. You are warped out the arena and then teleported back to the center of it:

Note that the game loses its sound, you lose your capability of using skills, and there is a HUGE fps drop.

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