Tree of Savior Forum

Silute getting reduction on channels... lame

Give it up. There are people legally botting with pets at Crystalmine 1F for almost nothing and consider that as part of their game experience/fun. Players can in fact be dumber than IMC.


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Nice I will just sell everything today since inflation will reduce after tomorrow

1 channel for all 2 maps is still big.

This conversation is so long now i dont wanna read throught it lul

I think it’s fun. I love waking up and seeing that i made 3-4m while sleeping

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what nerf i still see them doing the exact same ■■■■ as before the “nerf” happend :joy:

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Sad Anarth refuse to face the fact that Nexon made JTOS popular, not IMC. On JTOS Nexon worked to ban bots and RMT and actually dared to roll back servers to fix silver dupe. Where was the rollback on ITOS during the DLC exploit, channel crashing dupe/upgrade exploit, weed harvest exploit etc etc etc? Why are heavy botters and hookers still running around despite being reported by multiple people months ago?

I rather take Nexon for game management and pay for it with untradeable token system. Most F2P models are ■■■■, a subscription or buy to play is better. IMC is so bad at management that even Nexon is better. :grinning:

i doubt it ever happen
because it is J Nexon throw the hammer
yes you are right a publisher have more gut than the developer
a publisher have the gut to do the right thing even it will likely anger the community, while the developer who hold the ultimate power cant even ban bot and hacker
however, I don’t blame imc, because we, the player base play a huge part of this drama allowing what happen today

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By reducing channels, it will affect the price of some items in the market. This game has a DPK system for rare item. If the channels get reduced it is gonna be almost impossible to farm items like 8 brown tiny horns for a archmage bangle. This is ridiculous IMC!

It won’t. Not for rare items. Less channels, with a DPK system means less items, causing inflation for rare items like battle bracelet.

There was only 2 channels at these maps already, even if they reduce it to one there won’t be much diff because people do not farm there a lot in silute, almost always empty. In the contrary afk necros in dina stopping to inject loads of money into economy everyday will make a change, we have 6 ch or more iirc at dina here.

DP District 2’s gonna get a nerf after maint… huehue…

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