Tree of Savior Forum

Silute - AFK Templeshooter farming silver

So, I just want to know if it is allowed to create a sorcerer, use 100k to buy a templeshooter and go to sleep while you get rich farming afk
because silute server is full of them
Printed one, btw the guild should be aware of its members making money in unethical ways…

is IMC going to do something about this?

I personaly dont see how it is wrong. It’s not exploit or anything. Seems perfectly fair to me.

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If he’s not using any illegal program/addon, I don’t see any problem.

The summom skill coast some SP %, so if him was AFK, he need use 3rd program, like some macros or addons who are not allowed by IMC

Or just use a pot each 5 min and back to watch TV

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If he’s using autopot then its not okay but OP only have problem with ‘‘rich farming afk’’ - so it’s kind of hate for ‘‘he can do get rich sitting there while i can’t’’.

I’ve played games where farming afk was illegal
so yea, while is my concern "he can get rich afk and i can’t"
that is not the point, the point is if it is legal or not?
Which i am pretty sure it isn’t.

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Hi @AstroSpell

Thank you for the reporting.

Based on your report, we will look into the user’s activity and we will take the necessary measure against the user.

thank you for replying
please update us as soon as possible

@GM_Francis are u guys really punishing people for staying afk? what is the difference between this and squires fixing armor or the cleric class selling buff? Oh this game is sooooo fair…

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They are not neglecting people who are actually online playing the game and putting effort to grow
squires and pardo are actually helping them :slight_smile:

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Hello @Senseless, We would like to remind you that as long you are not violating any rules or using any kind of third party program you are free to play while away from laptop or system unit. However, we would like to advise you use your character or prove that you are not botting from time to time so that players may not suspect you as a bot.