Tree of Savior Forum

Server Transfer, tokens premium and TP

Good day, have question. Tokens,TP and premium time will be transfered to server too?

bump since I was gonna ask this too

I need this answered too before I do a transfer. I didn’t see it listed on the things that WON’T change so I’m worried.

UP this topic. Need answer before transfer.

I got a bad feeling that we won’t get an answer before the transfers are stopped.

answer is already given watch Server Transfer FAQ

I don’t see it anywhere in the FAQ thread
I’ve inquiries in the form of replies regarding this matter on 2 threads and still no response so far ._.

Your Token(s) and TP will transfer with your team, no need to worry about them.

Your Token benefits and time will also transfer.


Thank you for answer.

YYEEESSS! I can finally open my founder’s package and get my pet without worrying about this when I transfer! Thank you! it’s been two weeks but better late than never I guess haha

I played ToS in beta and I spent some time without playing again, I came back two months by the invitation of friends who are playing in Server Silute, I learned that there was a time of character transfer, I would like to know if it would still be possible, since I have A wizard with 66 TP on the Orsha server and would like to transfer it to the Silute.

