Tree of Savior Forum

[Server Poll] Klaipeda or Orsha?

It’s not an offense when even some of us (brs) are going to avoid those kids following br tos fansite.

Although I don’t expect the problem to persist with those cash megaphones :blush:

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klaipeda channel 15 :joy:

Klapedia it is then!

brasil tos fb site got over 40k likes? holy cow…kk no more orsha for me thanks for pointing that out


Klaipeda, no contest.

See you all on Klaipeda then! :wink:


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What part of the world are the servers located?

Both are in the same location somewhere in America, so it makes no difference.

Kleipedia coz that sounds cool

as long no war consent :smiley:

Of course it does, the difference is signification from Australia NA,EAST,SOUTH. The difference is between 50ms to 100ms can make a big impact on gameplay, we get 150ms to LA and other parts of the US, we get 200ms+ and some locations we get 300ms+. It may not make any difference to you but to us it sure does.

No, I mean that both servers are pretty much in exactly the same location (as in, probably the same building), somewhere in America, so you don’t get any ping advantage picking one over the other.

I really wish one of these server poll threads was set up correctly. It would have saved us all a lot of guessing and it’s likely too late to set up a new poll and get participation.

The poll should have been set up with a lot of options. For example:

Klaipeda (US)
Orsha (US)
Klaipeda (BR)
Orsha (BR)
Klaipeda (EU)
Orsha (EU)
Klaipeda (SEA)
Orsha (SEA)
Klaipeda (OTHER)
Orsha (OTHER)

All that would have been needed is to say “Please vote for the server you will be playing on that most closely matches the region in which you reside. If you are living in the US and are going to play in Orsha then please select Poll Option 2 Orsha (US), if you are living in EU and are choosing to play in Klaipeda please choose Poll Option 5 Klaipeda (EU) etc.” or something to that effect.

We have like twenty polls up and not a single one of them clearly illustrates in one post where the players from each region will be playing. Regions influence time zones which can affect server “busy” hours, average population playtimes, social interactions and same-server party matching, and even GvG for guild participation etc. And it is something we’re all curious about too, even for the sake of curiosity alone. I’ve seen posts in other languages requesting an idea where their player base will be, I’ve seen posts like this asking something pretty vague, and posts attempting to find out the region affiliations but failing because they didn’t have the poll set up properly.

Just wish one of them had the info all in one place instead of having to check all the poll threads to paint your own picture of what’s going on.


I already see those guys using their tokens and complaining about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Klaipeda, because on the Brazillian TOS facebook, most of them are heading to Orsha.


I’ll go where the Br’s are less in numbers. They are the only race of gamers I can’t stand for the most part. Klaipeda it is~


Get over yourselves hope the wait for EU server is long and ubearable. They should merge you guys with the Brazilians, I’m sure you would have plenty to talk about.

Well if Brazilians are all on Orsha then that’s definitely the place to dominate pvp as Brazil cant seem to figure out SWOTOR so should be easy pickings.

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I don’t know but I can speak english, portuguese and spanish so… Easy for me :smiley:

Klaipeda because I actually live there =s