Tree of Savior Forum

Scanning Hidden Treasure Chest? Hidden Path?

I wanna ask something for those played CBT

are there any cases where we have to scan (Scout’s skill) something which are Hidden ??

for example, treasure boxes, paths, objects. .
or is it only applicable to hidden monsters?

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ah yess this… i need this to complete the collection/achievment in the future… i read somewhere that we can use shovel to dig up things, i wonder how do we know the exact location to dig things up without being a scout :kissing:
maybe we can learn by talking to the npc and looking for hidden clue?

I have a similar question. I’d like to know about the Corsair skill: Unlock Chest. Are there chests that are unobtainable to other classes? Do they require a key of some sorts?
I wonder if skills such as this and the one from Scout will compromise other’s ability to complete their adventure journals provide they are from another class.

There are chests that apparently have a level of their own. Like a Lv 1 treasure chest needs a lv 1 key to unlock, and so on.

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Dear God, may we have enough keys to open all the chests that cross our path. (-q)

as for getting the keys… according to the FAQ here , are we getting the key from other quest or killing monster ??

Probably from both quests and killing monsters. I don’t remember how I got the keys, to be honest. :sweat:

From what I’ve read, you get keys from quests [edit: I actually can’t find where I saw that, but I’m 99% sure I saw that somewhere]. I don’t know if that excludes killing monsters, but it is confirmed that quests give you keys.

Additionally, there are chests that anyone can open, and then levels from there onwards (A level 0/1 chest). I’m guessing corsair’s skill level is also linked to this, as well as having a tiered key system.

Also, everyone worried about needing a scout to find hidden chests (if this is indeed a game mechanic):

In CBT2, you can buy “detector” and “shovel” from NXP store. they have same functions as Scout’s level 1 “Scan” and Alchemist’s level 1 ”dig”. (source)

Also, the shovel / dig (seems like it) will be used for ore, not treasure.


ah thanks for the info, i read that part too but forgot it about the cash shop items for detecting the treasure… so the treasure only need to be detected with detector and we need appropriate keys to open it…
hm, in order to detect need a cash shop items… that kinda cheap for me a dev make feature limited… ah well at least we got the option if we not choose to be a scout :sweat:

thank you for the info :smiley: . . so there are treasure chests that can be discovered with and without detector, right??
also, does the trasure chest bound to one client?? or someone already opened the treasure, we wont get it anymore??