Tree of Savior Forum

Ru guys 100%sure that the Skyliner cooldown will increase to 15s in itos?

Not nerfs… i would call it needed balance.

In a year we might end up with something good in that term.

Skyline ris still strong.
And cc of hangman still works.

It’s just not a hit oen skill, trap enemys 100% uptime easy button anymore.

The game itself is still rough balanced.
And there’s lots of classes … so it takes a change at a time.

And heck.
Steadyaim needed a nerf… it was limiting the choices of builds to much, for people who like dps.

Running shot should get fixed to an good, but not op level too xD.
You can have up to level 9 running shot … which is level*40% bonus atk.
360% bonus atk … means 4,6 atks per atk…

If someone tells me that, it’s not op. xD … try again.