Tree of Savior Forum

Release PLEASE!

It is killing me, I just want this game to release.
I know there is probably a million threads asking for the release but some updates on whats going on or what they are thinking of doing etc wouldn’t go amiss.
After playing the international CBT I just come onto the website EVERY SINGLE DAY and my hopes keep getting gutted, please… Info… please ; _ ;

Don’t worry IMC will be like.
“Surprise Surprise! iCBT 2”
Just like the first one.

This is the update we got on what is going on and why they haven’t been active on the forums.

They haven’t abandoned us and instead want to fix their game and make it so that the game they release is going to be enjoyable for all of us.

Read and look at all 29 pages

There read all that and you should be fully informed

Why people cannot be patient…? You haven’t another things to do in your life than wait for ToS OBT? Just wait and ur patience will be rewarded.

People are too addicted to TOS media that they’re losing logic.Begging,getting angry,bullying people in the forums won’t accelerate the release of this game nor future CBT/OBT.The game will come out when they feel it’s ready not sooner or later.

That’s debatable for some people… some put their life on pause for this game.

  • TOS releases early and many players complains that it’s too buggy,classes are far from balance and it’s missing a lot of content.
  • Game comes out later but takes a long time to adjust,fix,translate and balance classes as much as possible.however people get impatient and start to even get angry.

They are working on it very hard and beside you have no choice but to wait if your still willing to play it.So why not be productive with your life and do something else while you wait.

@IMC Don’t release please ! Take your time to polish your game as much as you want.
More importantly, please don’t attention to whiny players asking for release, they will be the first blaming you that the game isn’t good enough for them or that “X class is OP” because you didn’t have time to do bugfix or proper balance.
Thank you.

Frankly I wish someone would make a thread compiling all the recent changes ToS got in the recent betas, something like a changelog. For example the recent changes to the Necromancer. (Hopefully we’ll get an official changelog thread or something in the future, not exactly easy to keep up with over 20++ classes)

Since it’s in beta Lots of things I know are going to change, but I’m one of those guys who gets antsy and want to plan everything out before jumping into the game.

NEETs need to get a job and a life.

Good to know you miss the game.
Patience will help, friend.

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id hardly call that a update there was ■■■■ all for information in it. But it is nice they said something finally.

Well when I said update, I meant on their current situation and why they aren’t putting out the changes but yeah, it’s nice they finally said something. Generally though, I think that our community by itself is doing fine getting the kCBT patches and translating it :no_mouth: it’s been fairly constant updates both in the forums and on reddit.

why can’t we wait? is it that hard?, question for this forum, how long you waited for a game release?

The longest is 5-6 years, and no, I ended up not playing fking the game because fk them. The game was ready, they just didnt wanted to release the game on this continent. So fk’em in the butt.

Mean while the half life fans are still waiting lol.

I bet OBT is next phase… Indonesian FAQ mentioned OBT three time…

Are you talking about B&S or PSO2? :sunglasses: jk but those games lost so much hype even though they are literally released in other regions.

I have high hopes for ToS because well… we had CBT along with the Korean CBT even if it was just server testing which was really nice.

Yes, B&S. It lost hype because of the lack of fvcks given by the developers. After 1-6 years of not hearing any news of the game, well, everyone starts to not give a damn about it.

please release ><