Tree of Savior Forum

Release date of the International Version

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“TOS” has three characters “Doritos” has (3 sides 3+3= 6/3 = 2) but you are an impatient one so you are shady soooo ( 2+1 = 3 )

Joking aside its prolly “March-August”

Oh we’re all playing the guessing game? Im in.
Im still sticking to my 3rd March prediction. :smirk:

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It’s august 10!


I have my holiday leave then xD.

TOS = 3 characters = 3 = march
Tree of savior = 12 characters = 12/03/16 open beta international confirmed /_\

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lol haha xD !


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oh my goddess please no D:

I want it to come before summer so I can actually play it xD

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I would guess mid-March to early April for the next phase,whether or not it’s release.

There’s new update on steam guys… 5,8GB

awsome its starting to download something, Hey admin, do you think there will ever be offline version of tree of savior for people like diablo 2? i really like having offline games like digaea and to practice up on skills and look around and such, is there ever going to be a single player button added to the start screen like some other good rpgs so i dont get bored of so many bots lol.

My heart skipped a beat.Updating now.

but neways … ya, always lots of stupid bots and spammers after a half a year or something selling stuff. you ever going to add single player mode? or will there be massive extra channels for people to join lol or maybe a password protected channel a party leader can make? then invite priends? like that idea lol… neways…

Random Update on Steam for TOSdrrm


DrRM do you think password protected channels for parties and friends is a good idea if there are large numbers of spammers and bots if they firgure how to hack? i really wana have ability to use private cvhannel for friends and party or offline version single payer lol, i wont pester you

Please don’t direct such a weirdly put question straight at me :\

you can freely leave or kick anyone from a party, but you cant enter a party if everyone is private…



Yeah … testing.

ToS is an MMO type of game

there wont be an official offline version of this game.

also for password protected channel, if its chat channel it can happen but if its map channel then it wont because it is 100% pay to win tactics.

2 Likes when all those are filled out and the spell descriptions are up to date. I as in me alone with no further information would expect another o/cBT soon after. And last I checked spell descriptions were getting worked on every few days and there weren’t that many untranslated lines left. Probably less then a week if they focused just on untranslated lines instead of polish and corrections and stopped adding more lines in.