Tree of Savior Forum

Reinheit’s Battle-Thaum Compendium [WIP]

It’s definitely a buzzkill to use one of our most unique skills and instantly see the red, glowing health bar :frowning: I end up worrying more about death than feeling secure haha. For the moment, I’ve found the best (and only) reason to use Transpose while soloing is if I see an enemy healing circle first: Reversi the circles, transpose and BAM +20k health.

I agree! So far, playing as a Thaumaturge has been nothing but compromises. I’ve constantly checked the market for Black Staff’s but have had no luck yet. However, before testing on the Black Staff, I was having a go at the melee potential of staves and found 1 pro and 1 con:

The pro is it’s basic attack splash (3 enemies). This helps justify NOT using Joint Penalty for mobs less than 4.

The con is the extremely laughable attack speed, albeit, this may change drastically when the Chronomancer buff actually works.

On a side note, equipping an Arde (or Karacha) gives us two bonuses: added fire damage mAtk/Atk, AND faster melee attack speed. Since we don’t have any massive, scaling, active melee attacks, we’d benefit most from attacking more frequently.

Thanks for posting videos of your build! I can definitely see how the Thaumaturge would fit nicely into the build too! Also, thanks for proving that Pyro’s sheer damage output is much greater than the Cryo :wink:

I have one question and one test request from you @arkgolf :

  1. In that last video “TOS 2015 11 11 17 49 33 373” you seem to be proc-ing THREE hits for an auto attack for the magic AND melee. I understand Enchant Fire gives you one extra hit, but where’s the other one coming from?

  2. Does the damage of Flame Ground change when you switch weapon AFTER you cast it? ie. If you cast Flame Ground with a high mATK staff and it starts dealing 500’s to an enemy, does the damage change/weaken after removing it or changing it entirely to a no mATK weapon? I wish I could test this myself but I have no DoT skills as a Cryomancer. If this turns out the way i think it will, it might open new doors for our melee wizard archetypes.

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  1. Yes. If you change weapon, your damage will now use your new weapon.

I’d guess the Cafrisun Set

no 2. is like @exdarklight answer

For 1. it’s from an item you may not believe but I use this set

it’s work well with priest buff too
500+ damage * 4 hit

without priest buff at demon prison 1st
my AA did 348 + 283 + 193 = 824 damage
link target took damage bonus = 882 damage

at level 140 with priest buff my damage goes up to around 600-700 per hit (total 2400~2800 with just AA)

this set is too good especially for me
Cons: I have too low defense, but it is not a problem

ps. Im not full int and Im a support class.

Thanks for clearing that up!

@dmhamilt @arkgolf
Dang! That is a sweet combo. I haven’t had a chance to look into item sets yet but this makes this low weapon damage + elemental damage concept that much more viable! Thanks for the heads up!

This game is very funny.

I brought a toy hammer to test my idea “Does is it work with magic?”
here is a result

as you can see it work well with magic attack.

Now my 2nd idea came up “Can it be critical?”
So I reset my stat and put a point into Dex
here is a result

yesss it can be critical

Dagger test

this is awesome !


That IS awesome.

I can’t really tell what the explosion effect is doing though, is it procing every other tick of the flame ground?

It is a toy hammer effect every 10th stack it will make an explosion on a target and monster around it will get a damage too.


That’s beautiful @arkgolf thanks for taking the time to test this out :slight_smile: I’m SO looking forward to this when open beta comes out :smile:

added: This opens up so many other questions and observations haha.

  1. Since it’s crit-ing, the explosion HAS to be physical damage (proc-ed from 10x magic attacks).
  2. Does hitting 5 linked enemies with the Toy Hammer equipped proc 5 hits from the TH? If that’s true, then hitting a linked mob twice should proc the explosion.
  3. Is a STR/DEX build viable then (to up the crit damage + dagger damage)?

@arkgolf what a nice build. Can u share ur build ? Stats and skills too :smiley:


  1. Yes it is.
  2. No linked target will only get 1 stack unless you use hangman knot and use aoe skill to all monster at same time this way a debuff stack goes up too fast I can’t count it.
  3. With Thaum buff I’d way YES you can build STR/DEX or mainly DEX and put some into SPR for sp pool some into CON for survival ability doesn’t need STR that much since Thuam buff give phy attack more than put a point into STR but this build still need a lot of test.

I just put all status point into DEX to test does it critical or not.

Hello, i am lvl 90+ thaumaturge C1,I just tested the attribute.
““Shrink Body: Additional Damage
Enemies affected by [Shrink Body] will take 20% more magical attack damage per attribute level.””

And i can tell you, this attribute do not works like that !! The description/Translation is just very BAD.
When you use The spell “Shrink Body” you will deal 20% of your magic attack as damage. So it doesnt buff your OTHER spell

For exemple if you have 100 magic attack, when you cast Shrink body, you will deal 20 magic damage WITH shrink body.

(sorry for bad english)

You’re right, the shrink body attribute’s aren’t that great. What I was referring to was the attribute for [Swell Left Arm: Shrink Size Specialty]. Maxed at attribute level 4, it gives bonus +140 dmg ON shrunken enemies. Combined with the bonuses from [Swell Left Arm: Enhance] and [Swell Left Arm] itself at circle 3, you get +150 and +154 bonus dmg per hit. Add [Swell Right Arm] damage and [Swell Right Arm: Enhance] bonus, you get another +111 and +150 bonus dmg per hit. Altogether, its 565 bonus damage PER hit.

Since it’s flat damage, it applies to EACH of our hits. @arkgolf has done a great job of showing the amount of hits we can do with both with the Pyro buff and Cafrisun set. That’s 3 hits per auto attack, so +(565 x 3) = 1695 per auto attack. For a support type class, that’s not bad at all :slight_smile:

Bonus: add Sacrament for another hit (not even counting the bonus dmg), thats 2260 per auto attack.

Er, can someone show proof that Swell Arm combos with Sacrament and Enchant fire?

I ask this because Blessing has very different wording than Swell Arm does:

Namely, Increased physical/magical attack verses Additional damage.
I might be wrong, but I think only Additional damage and Elemental damage will stack.

Hmm I can’t right now since I’m not at my main comp, but every “additional” attack type we have gets boosted by the flat damage buffs. Basically anything the Arde gives a bonus damage to will receive these benefits as well.

shhhh about cari set >>
< lol kidding well I guess since the cat is outta the bag the cari set actually gives you an extra attack proc, out of curiosity I have been using this for a while, I’m going to assume all things that say extra attack property additional damage cause a 2ndary attack which can be influence by holy ect. I do however think it’s not working properly, as I can’t figure out for the life of me how to influence the damage, but I do know it takes into account monster size, weapon penalty etc etc. As of right now my extra attacks at level 126 are doing between 200-600 extra damage, depending on elemental weaknesses of the mob. There is more info to this, but I’m not going to go that deep into detail, however if your interested msg me Lodge is Toreishi, or just msg me on forums.

Im back again with new progress :smile:

I just tested my current build with thaumaturge buff only swell left arm.
my friend was thuam1 at the time I recorded this clip.

Yep Over Kill

compare to same build without swell left arm (I have blessing instead)

I intend to test swell left arm only to see how it’s affect a toy hammer explosion critical damage,
as you can see without swell left arm TH explosion critical damage is around 1800-2000
after I got swell left arm buff a critical damage goes up to 3000+.

My testing status without any equipment for those who want to know and/or want to test it.
For a class build (critical build) I prefer wiz>pyro>linker>thaum>chrono> rank6 you are free to pick any as you like.

This game is very funny!

ps. this will be my last test on this char I don’t want to go further because my current char is lacking in offensive ability since I plan to make a semi-full support from the beginning so I will stop here and make a new char!.


I was going to turn into Chronomancer at first, but was discouraged when I heard how buggy Quicken was. Also, seeing the attack speed boost from a C3 archer using kneeling shot (+375) being only 30% faster or so, it made Quicken lvl 10 (+300) seem very unpromising :frowning: I wonder if it’s better to specialize at that point in rank5.

I was looking into some other class synergies with our “multi-hit” item sets. Knowing that Bokor zombies are buffable , perhaps the same could be said of the Necromancer’s skeleton soldiers.

IF they receive our multi-hit bonus, all the better… However having a bonus +565 atk per hit is still decent (they seem to attack at half the speed of a player melee attack) since the sheer number of them will add up.

I just edit my post that build is for critical build, if you dont like critical then chronomancer is not need at all.

Here my friend build now thaum2

Now I can see your BT in action via my friend it’s cool! so I will start a new char and test it myself :smile:

Sorry all for the lack of updates, everyone!

I’m still intent on building the BattleThaum when OBT comes out, but I was a little too intrigued by other classes to stick to one! If you’re at all interested, I’m going to start another thread focussed on Wiz C3 (and arguing that it’s not complete crap :slight_smile: ). I’ll post a link when I have a little more information on it!

Happy leveling!