Tree of Savior Forum

Really IMC? Max market value for honeymeli is 800?

WTF are u doing! market just keeps getting worse, no trade silver + ridiculous price limit on market!!! WTF

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if they really aim on keeping a low amount of silver in the game, they must make changes to certain things such as attribute costs, potions, repairs, etc because its really not fair

Same problem here…

please fix this…stop punishing your players…zzz

Go here and <3 the topic or reply to show your support in favor of changing the market limit prices on Honeymeli Stingers :slight_smile:

idk what honeymeli is

Trade them for Talts instead. I’ve been doing that lately.

Eventually no one will use silver anymore and talt will be the only thing traded. Then RMT will be shouting, “(Website) 1000k talt = $ 2.21 (Website)” cuz they’ll have figured out a way to dupe lol.

But at least there won’t be anymore bots… just a crashed economy thanks to duping lol.

and i thought your a knight in shining armor

Of course it will be like this. Heck, it’s starting already, many people are trading only items/recipes for talts. It won’t be long until bots will do it aswell.

It’s the same in real life as it is ingame: If a government/developer restricts trading with common currency then after a short while the citizens/players will just replace the common currency with the next best thing, like talt in TOS or treasure boxes in RO.

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It just sucks cuz the only way to earn talt is dungeon runs that are limited per run each day and they sorta take awhile the higher up you go in level. You can “rush” but for people who want exp that kinda sucks too.

Wish they’d have figured out a better system than these trade restrictions. I don’t know how we can be living in the year 2016 where bad ideas have been done to death with live tests to prove that they don’t work and, yet, people can continue to make the same mistakes anyways.

Well, in my opinion the best way to make it better would be to just remove the silver trade restrictions.
Botters will sell their silver one way or another, so they are not really stopped from the silver trade restrictions, they just sell their stuff in the auction house. So the only people suffering from these restrictions are honest players.

Actually, making silver tradeable could even make detecting RMTing easier:
During each maintenance after each weekly bot ban wave, just let a script run through server logs and mark every account who recieved amounts of items/silver from the banned botter/goldfarmer accounts in such large quantities via trade that it’s obvious that RMTing was being done and then investigate the marked accounts.

Heck, at least for people who have used 2~3+ tokens on their account so far and played for X weeks the silver trade restriction should get lifted, so long-term loyal players won’t have to suffer from these restrictions anymore.

You need to be online to do so, and why should we go for talts? this item in AH is legitimate

It’s really easy to get a rush group for dun90, just go to the entrance on ch1. :slight_smile:

that same goes for 130 dungeon