Tree of Savior Forum

Re:Build Guide to All Wizard Classes

Thanks man, I guess I’ll get a savinose T8 +11 rod from that summer event for my Alc>Sor>Nec.

I just looked into that and honestly never considered it. Druid+Diev, especially since Diev boosts damage vs plants and Druid’s big ol’ flower AoE turns every monster in it into plants. What would the 3rd class be, tho? I’m thinking Paladin since Carve gets a boost to AoE from Pal’s 2h blunt attribute (if I’m understanding it right).

I think overall I might just get Psychokino, Onmyoji, and Shadowmancer. P+O = gravity for hax earthquakin’ and easy gathering. As well as the fire fox thing for multiple hits. Then Shadowmancer doesn’t offer much synergy but does have very mild synergy with gravity for activating shadow traps, as well as very high single target damage and hurtbox multiplying (allowing for AoEs to hit a boss or bulky enemy 2 separate times.

Since I started with Shadowmancer like a dunce, I’ll go to Psycho then Onmyoji. Unless I’m blessed with a class change, then I’ll do Psycho/Onmyoji and save Shadowmancer till the end.

Making monsters into plant-type increases their crit resist by a lot, so even with the Diev attribute, it’s a dps down. Also, I think the attribute only works for physical attacks.

I quite like Diev-Druid-Miko, but the playstyle is based around using Lycanthropy to deal damage, and only using plant skills in the short downtime the transformation has. So not very wizard-like, not sure if you would like it.

There’s an event going on that gives you free class resets every day. Talk with the kupole in klaipeda, to the right of the warp statue.

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Shadowmancer also have some synergy with Onmyoji, as Yin Yang Harmony provide a buff that boost dark damage by 20%

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