Tree of Savior Forum

Rank Reset Voucher Event for Feb 20?

Hi, I want to assume that there will be an event for that day due to the changes that will be in many Ranks … I want to believe that. If so, I would only like to suggest that it was not a Rank Reset per Team per day how last time and what with the amount of changes that will come, I do not think it’s enough for players who have more than 16 chars (like me), what the last time some of my chars can not make a change …

What am I going with this? Well, when there was the first event with the arrival of Rank 8, you could use the reset with all the chars per day for 2 weeks, I do not ask that it be the same but, if it could be done with 3 chars per day it would be enough (of course, assuming there was this kind of event for Feb 20).

I’m sorry for the bad writing and English, but I think I know how to understand the idea a bit.


Probably not if they give iTOS the same treatment they gave to kTOS.
They received 2 rank resets via mailbox if they had any Linker/Falconer/QS character and 2 (rank resets) skill reset potions via mailbox if they had any Hoplite/Cataphract/Dragoon character. No extra resets if you have multiple characters with the reworked classes, so up to (4) 2 resets per player.

(editted with correct info, thanks @WhiteDwarf)

if so, it would be disgusting that … but if they meet what they mentioned long ago that they would be different from Ktos, I will have faith in what they reconsider, since they will give us an update bomb.

But what if you have to sell slots to create more chars if in the end they will be garbage ???

I know that there is the option to buy them, and it is valid you do wrong char and want to correct it, but in this case what fault would we have?

If it’s how you say, I have 4 chars with Linker, that’s a big problem and not to mention the others

o.O so did you play in kToS?
Since you say via mailbox, does that mean I don’t necessarily have to give them to linker/falc/hop/cata?

Nope, I just follow this topic:

And yes, if we receive reset vouchers via mailbox, we can use them on other characters. When they removed the restriction of being a Templar to create a guild, they sent 1 rank reset voucher to all players that had at least 1 Templar character (some people even abused it a bit and made a Templar before the maintenance just to receive the voucher to use it on another character).

Lol “abused” seems to be such a negative word. I’d like to call it utilized XD

BTW, I already have a falconer, linker, hoplite, and cataphract before reading this post. I did not “abuse” anything haha.

Edit: I think I remember reading something about giving a reset voucher to a team with shinobi when the wizard/swordsman balance patch comes. Is this a similar idea to the templar one you mentioned?

Yes, they sent 2 rank reset vouchers to Shinobi players and wizard players had 2 weeks of reset, but I don’t remember if someone posted the details in the kTOS thread. Idk if there was a NPC to give wizard players rank reset vouchers everyday or if IMC sent 1 reset pack per day via mailbox.

Gimme resets plz


:heart_eyes: You deserve at least 10 resets just because of cuteness!

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Now I’m scary, I do not know what to expect for this Feb 20 … I just hope that I reconciled IMT in this issue at least improve it, for example: mencinan what if you have Cata give you Voucher, previously my Lancer I had it, but since I did not render in the last reset event I put Hoplite … that means that I have a Reset ?? As I understood if you have Hoplite, they would also give me a Voucher ??? …

And that without saying the other Chars that I still have, I want to imply that I’m not demanding this, but someone like me and other people who have more than 10 Chars and who may include in their Builds some of those classes would give them a Reset ??

Thinking better, at most I would need a 5 or 6 Rank Reset Voucher, but for the most part it would be Reset Skill, but how in the previous events they gave you the 3 things together Rank Reset Voucher, Stat Reset and Skill Reset, that’s why it was my question. But with the information they have shared, I do not know very well what will happen … xD

Uh… if I had to guess, the 2 for shinobi is via mail, the once a day for 2 weeks are NPC distribute to wizards. It’s too good if it’s everyday via mail to a team that has a wizard, now THAT is “abusing” lol.

Hoplite/Cataphract never got any rank reset
So far, only Templar (the old update), Linker, Falconer, and Shinobi have been given rank resets through mail.

@gorou_sq I really doubt they’d do more than what was done in ktos because looking at the business side of things, they’d profit more if you keep creating characters. And I think, given the whole gacha updates we’ve been having for weeks, that they’re more interested in profits rather than satisfying the playerbase’s wishes.

Weird, on test servers there was an angel like the R9 Patch that gave resets… I believe it was the same on ktos and will be the same here.

Hmm, there’s nothing about the compensation rewards for players with reworked classes in that translation though, but maybe I’m remembering wrong. Need one of our fellow ktest/ktos players to confirm what was given after that maintenance.

Here it is:
Apparently, QS also gets rank reset based on that patch along with Linker and Falconer.
Hoplite, Cataphract, and Dragoon only got skill reset along with Musketeer (not stated there but in another patch)

So if ever we won’t get the wiz balance patch yet, only those classes and those reset items are what we’re getting assuming they will be given.

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Well, I think for what they left in the note of this patch at the end:

Content Update on February 20!

  • NEW Hidden Class
  • Intense Balancing: Matador, Musketeer
  • Intense Balancing: AoE, Multi-hit, Swordsman / Archer Trees
  • Class Rollback System

For the “AND MORE” I want to believe that includes the balance also of Wizard and Swordman, if they include the system of the Legend Cards it would be an extra, and not to mention this would already be a miracle.

So I think that at least until the balance of Wizard and Sword and would enter on Feb 20, because I think it would be easier to make a Reset event and that would kill several birds with one shot but that is my opinion and my thinking. … Everything depends on IMC anyway.

no way wizard balance and shinobi balance patch is for feb 20 , you can wait 2 or 3 month .

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I really don’t think that the Feb 20 patch includes wiz/swordie balance since it’s only been a month since they’ve announced the changes. Looking at IMC’s track record, it’ll be out maybe late March or April. Personally I’m not expecting a lot on next week’s patch. Just something to keep me occupied for a while.

Anyway, I leave you with this quote: One experiences fewer disappointments when there are fewer expectations.

Basically if the patch next week includes the sw/wiz rebalance, then yay. If not, then fine. Real life calls anyway.

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I see! Thanks. I thought the skill reset potions were given only to Matador and Musketeer players, but now things are clear.

I really doubt it. The following update after the first reworks that are coming next week is the guild missions/raids rework. If they’re going to include any other update in the “AND MORE” content, my bet would be that one, which would be already great for PvE guilds.

I agree. Last year, we got the Hunting Grounds update in March ( and another update with significant changes in April ( After that, they’ve been following the 2~3 months intervals between big updates since May (ToS “Renewal”).

I’m still hoping for more Archer rework, because there are low and mid-rank classes in need for love (Ranger, Scout, Wugushi, Hunter and Fletcher).


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Me in this moment, until Monday 19 when they show the patch notes …
