Tree of Savior Forum

Rank Reset in Action (kToS Video)


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So… I do again the quest for Rune Caster (?)
And the event here seems a bit different on kToS, or not ?
Maybe we’ll not have the rank reset °,…,°

instant skill reset~



So if im r8 lvl 10 i go back to r8 lvl 9? Well no thanks haha

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go back to rank 8 class lv1 after everything


One for account, if we have this coupon…
but I’m in EU server so…

Stat resets sold separately

Gotta love that classic marketing.

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i wonder with card that already equipped

u must strip naked for class reset.

5tp to unequip card without penalty

40tp if u equiped 8card.



I was expecting that we would have to grind out class levels, but apparently they give u a special exp card that boosts you to class lv 15 for each rank instantly. That’ll save a bit of time, all you have to do is the class change quests which are usually super fast anyway.

This allows you to remake your character from scratch (apart from your stats).

damn IMC, they keep forcing player to buy more TP
stupid game

i think 1click reset is clever~

its straight forward~



u play for free? u very filthy… huehuehue~

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ToS free…

@eh typo sry i meant lvl 1

Free wife when u buy this wedding ring!
(may come with hidden charges. Kids sold saperately)


free TOS if u stay lv200

its a trap! or maybe not… free TOS only let u trial the game , then suck u up when u already addicted.

its magical~


Tree of Bugs is magic ! There aren’t other explanations~


(like my cannoner C2/qs C3… I can use my bazooka on my normal attacks)

huehuehuehue x2

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Dam straight, i got imced continuously yesterday. Stuck at loading for 290 rush. Had to relog, came in and theres no rejoin button. Then siauliai golem decided fk this im out of here and walked up to the torch…so we cant do anything but leave. Then saalus party queues keep getting stuck.





ooo yes i’m very filthy wkwkwk
i’m lvl 280 and never buy token or TP
i’ll just sell silver for token
never ever buy any TP item

ps: why would i buy TP for a broken game

wkwkwk indog~

jk, just internet tradition~

yep, i stop spending on tp as well.

3tp event now really good~
