Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

so if i don’t want to pick a Musketter what is really viable as autoattacker in R8 for the archer class?

Isnt it to weak with out link i think its better that he got link instead of kino1…

We don’t really know yet since majority of updated archer ranks aside from SR and Musket is dogshit. We need to wait first if there will changes Hackappel/Mergen/Cannoneer are weak while Hackapels are bugged. Falconer seems to have an AI problem.

Yes for PvE, linker is better. I think the player of wiz3 kino chrono3 sage had a PvP build. He uses kino to teleport and swap enemies -> use time Stop.

It seems in KrToS the wiz meta is slowly moving towards linker. Joint penalty is very strong, as shown on the videos.

Edit: cleaned up
Wiz3 linker3 - Warlock1/2 Featherfoot1/2
Wiz3 linker2 - necro3

Secondary support/damage
Wiz - X -link1/2/3 - thauma 1/2/3.
Wiz X X - linker X - sorcerer X - warlock/ff 1/2 /sage/enchanter.
WIz - X - link1/2 - chrono3.
Support king is still cryo3 chrono3.

This is the SR girl of the team which cleared earthtower. +17 bandit crossbow.

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New vid of enchanter scrolled Pole of Agony (warlock skill) = bad, useless. The character has 723 int.


Yes_ herself

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Higher content mob HP(?).

i must be half asleep, 26m HP :sleeping:

all i can say is rip elememe . hope wizard’s r8 gets some buffs .


Added videos.
Featherfoot video.
Reiter3 video.
Enchanter video.
Cannoneer videos (smoke grenade + cannonblast), and more.
More inquisitor videos.
More inquisitor videos.
Druid3 vid.


If all mob around lvl 286 have 10m+ hp… I don’t wanna play this game anymore lol.

IMC: Hey we have high base attack right now what a problem . The one who have fully upgrade (trans x 10 + lvl6-8 gem + fully upgrade attribute) + best build(none bug class) can kill mob with 1m hp with in 10sec!

Player: What about other player who don’t have fully upgrade or play funny build?

IMC: We have new costume contents!

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Added warlock2 drain video.
Added dragoon2 vs worldboss templeshooter video.
Added Murmillo headbutt attribute vs boss gifs.

This reminds me of clicker heroes haha

Wtf pole of agony with 70 damage only i guess the usefull scrolls will only be buffs and JP…

Can you find something on lancer?
Or has nobody gone lancer yet?

Will edit first post soon.
Reiter3 vs Moa boss:

Mergen bonus attack range attribute:

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Fencer3 solo siaulai bosses:


All these Fencer, Musket, Dragoon and SR vids face-rolling content while most of the advancements i need to see is unavailable. Some vids like that PoA Enchanter with that damage is even discouraging instead of hyping you up even though i don’t have wizard. :sweat_smile:

Nothing for lancer. I upload all vids the koreans upload - I skip redundant videos. Most vids are of Inquisitor. Next popular is dragoon2. Other vids very unpopular.

Murmillo vs mobs:


Dragoon2 solo rush dungeon 200:

Oracle3 gender switch bug: