Tree of Savior Forum

So about Pokemon GO - LoliLicker

I’m a creep that chills near my second floor bedroom window because it’s where I use the computer and charge my phone.

There’s a Poke Stop in view down the street. It’s at a bench that’s labeled with someones name and date of birth to death.

The only problem I have is that I’m a LoliLicker and I would know that that there would be a good spot for a kidnapping. As a window creep I don’t usually see cars driving or people walking down the street. Most likely the only witness to the kidnapping would be another player.

I know the schedule of the people in my neighborhood as a window creep, they’re usually at work or somewhere else with friends. People here are usually only outside to mow their lawn, get into car, or get out of car to get back into the house. No casual walking down street, or randoms driving by.

I know Pokemon GO tries to use “Known places” like strip clubs, murals, churches, things with dead people’s names on it like a wall or bench, a grave yard etc. But do they actually have some kind of security in place for the barely visited at all for “Supposedly known places”. They’re good places for kidnaps.

I don’t think there are any hidden cameras either. I would know.

Dw I got you covered fam


I would hope that with the 1-2 stories out there about people going to lures and getting robbed,cops would patrol all the stops at least semi-regularly.Heck I’ve seen pictures of cops playing the game with others.I think it’s a great idea and helps them to get along better with the younger people in their communities.

You definitely have a point in more rural areas,though.Seems like more stops need to be put up in these kind of areas.Then you’ll have more people out and about as a hopeful deterrent for crimes like that.


was a 3rd thread needed :pensive:

I am out of this ■■■■, it doesn’t work on Intel Processors smartphones lol.

Just imagining cop going to work getting a new order to install Pokemon GO on their mobile device. Then using the app to patrol a new route that covers multiple Poke Stops in case anything rowdy happens :joy:



“Attention all officers near St. Johns Street, there’s a rare Pokemon appearing 1 mile off the road in the wooded area. All officers are required to install Pokemon GO and patrol this area for suspicious activity.”

D.E.A.D. :joy:


I mean,I’ve read about cops getting clingy to gyms already and they do have an advantage…

I mean it would make me feel safer for sure.But then again I live in an urban area so I’m not as worried.Went with my boyfriend to 2 lures set up close to midnight on Saturday in an area we had never been in before…it was just a small crowd sitting around the area laughing it up.

Although a counter force with walkie talkie’s sounds really cool to me…can’t let the cops get the gyms unopposed! #TeamMystic