Tree of Savior Forum

R8 Swordsman Skills Translation

lets all just pretend we dnt see the 16k dmg on the dragoon skill, with the 2 overheat and 16sec cooldown lmao

that + serpentine + some crit = 90k+ dmg with 2 overheats

I hadn’t seen that hahahah[quote=“SlyGoat, post:21, topic:321914”]
RIP Corsair3.

Not for those who took HL 2. Bushin Moulinet! :stuck_out_tongue:

The damage gap is too huge compared to low rank…

Even shinobi need next rank for catch up the damage gap…

damn… the base damage literally sends RIP to my Shinobi…


They’ll probably let Nobis copy more skills to catch up with higher ranks.

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And there is Rogue with Capture. Not truly copy but Wizard AOE skills are already deadly

Zwerchhau = almost a Cleave for Highlanders who don’t have it.
Sturtzhauw = almost a Skull Swing for Barbarians who don’t have it.

With a lot of damage.


Sturtzhauw ignores defense, and 375 only.
if we can combo Zwerchhau and cleave, with redel/zucken, lets see what hapens

and zucken sp cost is fixed, i’m really glad to see an alternative to DOV, if the new swordsman armor is good enough, we can consider drop DOV entirely for max Zucken and Redel

@Tampon dude any class balancing news? the rank 8s base damage seriously sends its middle finger to my shinobis… well… atleast catagoon’s future is now shining brightly with the new lancer class…

@danielnito007 its not about the skills bro, its about the bunshins not moving fast as the main body tbh idc if the clones don’t copy anymore skills than base swordsman ranks i just want it to move as fast as the main body does, the idea of it copying more skills is just plain dumb if it reacts even a second slow even more worst when it gets bugged…

I haven’t played yet due to my computer still not fixed by apple but i’ve heard that the bosses now spams skills which ofcourse has knockdowns and the poata in fedi missions spams its roar… with those things in mind idk how my shinobi would survive taking more damage with bunshin activated specially now when queue puts me in a party where im lvl gapped… but anyways im just theorizing things atm hopefully things aren’t so bad as i’ve expected it to be,

Yeah, “almost a Skull Swing”, but for PvE is good, because for a while there’s no monsters with more than 400 of DEF.

Btw, where you find info about new Swordsman armor? @Lenny
I mean… To drop DOV for it.

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they said that in some news last month or so, that they would be making a new armor for swordsman cus we are not tanky enough.

but right now i really dont know what to do, DOV 15, cyclone 15, but we cant get redel or zucken to high level

duno what to do now lol, i guess ill just wait to see that “almost skull swing” skill in action

It’s working better since last patch. I talked to highlander c3 shinobi and he said that only kunai is still bugged. Even Moulinet is working great.

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DOV 15 will only increases duration.

For a while I suggest to you Redel and Zucken at lvl 6 only for the attribute. It will allows you to invest in the new skills.

@tampon I think you got the numbers wrong in Epee Garde.

value = 30 + [Skill Level] × 3
return value
value = [Skill Level] × 20
return value

So, duration should be 30 + [Skill Level] x 3 = 45s at level 5.
Increased damage should be [Skill Level] x 20 = 100% damage at level 5.

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I’ll do it if there isn’t one yet

Changed that for you


Patch notes said there will be skill rebalances. @Gwenyth will probably make a post on pastebin about it xd


OMG WE NEED LVL6??? and theres an atribute for zornhau too o.O wers fcked

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Yeah! Source:

thanks will be looking forward to you’re other topic regarding the balances, i think imma head outside to play pokemon GO for now., reading r8 news skills makes me feel so sad for my shinobis , well cya

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