Tree of Savior Forum

[R8 Doppel] STR vs DEX pros/cons

Hi everyone i was wondering about the new meta for this class and i need some help to find the pros and cons for the different builds.

my Doppel path is SW>HL3>Barb>Doppel3


i get some:

STR/con pros:
-dov lvl 15
-multihits based class
-bleeding benefit from STR
-Block with cross guard same ^
-if you pick some crit rate from crit gems/buffs/etc you will hit hard as fk.
-Swordman bonus 30% STR
-Con help with the End game magic damage
-x8 glass mole/lvl15 dov brutal burst of atack.
-HL atribute 50% crit atk

STR/con cons:

-really hard to crit in late game even with high lvl gems buffs etc.

  • new skill R8 have nice base damage.
  • new 315 weapon give nice crit atk and -72 con also a lot of atk.

anyone can help me with dex pros/cons?

Feel free to add/remove pros/cons to the list.

thanks for the answers!.:slight_smile:

EDIT: what about STR/DEX 3:1 build intead STR/con 3:1 for the new orange lvl315 weapon?
DEX for survival with leather/evasion gear instead CON/plate gear.

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Youll need it mate

I make my build 1/1 Str/Dex.
I saw it in a video from korea she used some mushroom to trigger dov.(Poison)
And used leather armor.
But that was a barb2/high2 build^^
(I dont think that matters)

Lapasape Mushrooms are used just to stack DoV at a faster rate, if you feel you have too much dodge, take off the boots and anything that grants you evasion until you get your lvl 15 DoV.


New Doppel3 Meta, reroll saalus cubes, get as much blessed gems as possible, get lvl 315 weapon and trascend it(Stage 5 should be enough). Pretty much to get ready for Solmiki ET.
Main skills with attributes at 90% already, like Cyclone, Seism, Pouncing, Vertical Slash, Skyliner, Crosscut, Cartar Stroke, Redel, Zucken, Zornhau.

TL;DR: 100+ million silver to be competitive.

what about the stat distribution? considering the new lvl 315 weapon. thanks for answer me.

You could opt to prioritize more Dex since PATK can be covered by Item Transcendence. 3:1 or 2:1 Dex Str, really up to you on how you would feel comfortable.

2:1 Dex/Str considering 80dex from ellaganos cards or just point investment?

Yes, get your crit rate as high as possible. Though I would suggest to wait out until we get details of the highest crit resist a mob has on cap 330, that way we could get an idea of just how much crit rate we would need.

Oh and btw I play high dex Doppel, with about 70 invested str, 35 con (all obtained from bonus like quests, statues etc) and the rest on dex. It was high str before but I didn’t like it that much and used a stat reset for it. I left it at level 256 because I’m contemplating whether a non DOV would still fair well on Rank 8 considering the power creep (I really hate the skill) so I’m playing a Fencer right now. But I still can do much now even without DOV, can still get 1st to 3rd spot on DPS ranking on Missions and Saalus. Also I play the Barb3 variant, you would get higher DPS since it is already proven that High3 variants get higher DPS output.

thanks for your support.

str/con doppel

dex/str doppel

as you can see the str doppel with the same amount of stacks hits normal attacks 4k + dmg than the dex doppel with crits.

str no crit: 74k per hit

dex: 70k per hit critting

now if str crits he hits for mfking 120k+ dmg wowowow ONE crit to almost double the dex doppels damage and even without a crit its still more damage then the dex critting o.o

this is exactly the same way as it is now all the people arguing for going dex just underestimate the benefits of DoV with a higher base p atk

even the new wepons wont be able to make the difference.
yes you get more crit atk but dont you forget that the str doppel will get those items too ? than its basically where we started again.

The first video dont show his gear, is it the same gear?
I mean… it shouldnt be that far away rite? ._.

Please 2 gear.

Also builds matters. Are both of them HL3 barb 1?

Str and Dex gears are different. With STR per no crit you can forget about critical proc even in high level. Simply cause Crit rate scale to levels. The higher you go the shietty it is and you need more out of it

There goes a free lost of damage from skill set itself.

You are running on a constant flat damage.

don’t forget DEX BUILDS benefits from DOV ITSELF as well due to trascend weapon+ skill damage (skill power is affected via crit) giving you more damage off than strength.

Strength with pure strength Does not win CRIT 1.5 on skills. end of story.

If you are in question. Get it to high level and test it yourself simply with 8 glass mole on 100% crit dex (380+dex 200 str) and 8 glass mole on pure strength build on a 12m hp target.

Tell me which one will deal more damage over time on a third rotation.

This is extremely game changing on world boss mechanics rather than burst potential.

I might be wrong there, but I heard the same kind of card will only grant its effect up to 5 times (maybe it is not implemented yet? Dunno)

ok is well known the STR gives tons of damage to Doppel skill, my question is 3:1 STR/DEX viable? STR for main damage DEX for survival and medium crit chance? STR/CON dont have sinergy with the new orange weapon.

no it was just a false rumor. There are plenty of videos out there using 8 mole cards.

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Pure dex doppel here level 280

Build Sw3 - pelt - barb - Dopp3

The reason I went this build is to survive!

Dex saves me when I go DoV 15 so I don’t die. The multiplier might be smaller because it multiplies phys attack but I believe that weapons may catch up to it (Not the main reason I went dex though)

In my opinion though, the main MVP of the build has to be sword3
STR or DEX, sword3 allows you to survive like crazy

Restrain will help you NOT cyclone to death
Pain barrier prevents you from getting knocked down or knocked away which causes cyclone to be cancelled.

The only downside of this build is that you have many buffs and not many skills to spam aside from doppel skills, but with the addition of the new dopp3 skills, I find myself not having time to use skills from other ranks regardless.

Full STR… Full DEX… How about something more hybrid? I’m 4:1:2 (STR:CON:DEX) with 39 points from statues etc. in DEX + Ellaganos Cards, current at lvl 298. It works for me just like Full DEX for you.

STR CON doppel here still testing.

Build Sw - pelt3 - barb - Dopp3

Build this just for utility.

Buy Aspersion can easy stack DoV 10 and i got sage wall with

I can suvive with DoV 10 with just pop High Guard new buff if i needed.

Can i ask your damage is fine without Armor Break?
Sadly my Pain Barrier just got lv5 only…

Actually my build is Off tank magic mob killer.
No much choices so i will use Mordschlag combo with Punish at Rank 8.

If you want a “offtank” Build go dex.(Magic rape you anyway)
For Damage you realy should go Str/Dex.

Btw its just theory crafting but crown should disable magic mobbs or am i wrong? o.o"

For damage just go Str/Dex hybrid pure dex seems to be waste for Damage(Like Pelt)

you can check here. Our “mighty” doppel, well he claimed to be no1 in telsiai, went high dex build (3:1) from str-con at R7. after he bashing ppls with dex build doppel. @akisera