Tree of Savior Forum

Question:Exorcise + Pandemic,does it work? and more

Hi,I decided to make a new character and it will be Cleric 2 + Priest 3 + Chaplain or Miko + PD 2 or Cleric 2 - Priest 3 - Miko - Oracle - Taoist and I got a few questions I’d like to make.

1-I noticed in videos that exorcise deals damage via a debuff which has a counter,so,can it be spread via pandemic?I found an old topic saying it doesn’t but it’s kinda old and since pandemic had a few changes,I thought it would be better to ask a priest plague on the forum.

2-Can Miko’s clap increase the duration of Counter spell and Storm calling?I wasn’t able to find anything related to it yet and it’s kinda hard for me since I understand nothing of Korean.

3-If I attempt to use magnus exorcise,will the mob take damage from exorcise’s debuff and the magnum exorcise pillar at the same time or will the exorcise debuff be removed?

4-I’m aware that aspergillum uses aspergion and magic attack/spr in its line but what about Last rites?Is it just a line that is affect only by element bonuses and blessing?I might not add it to my build and use capella instead for World Bosses and such.

Thanks in advance for any answer.
Have a good day!

1: Would like to know as well.

2 : Clap its bugged atm and only works with diev’s summons so there’s no way to know ( but i believe it will not).

3: If you cast Exorcise on the mob and Magnus it he will take damage from both.

4: Last rites uses your sacrament Holy prop value and adds a little bonus. Then at 50% Hp it gains another bonus.
Imagine Last rites as a Sacrament EX. Only elem dmgs and blessing.

There’s a chart for exact values here ^ .