Tree of Savior Forum

Question about desprotect zone skill

deprotect zone have an atribute called Deprotected Zone: Sword Attack ( ). my question is… that atribute only work with swords or work whith any meele weapons ( like a mace)?

It says sword in the description…

yes have in discription, but the prefered weapon of an cleric is blunt but dont have blunt swords, or have? (i dont play in beta ~~)

clerics can use swords

You can also party up with people who use swords and they get the extra benefit.

Oh ok, so its sword specific then?

no one give us an good aswer but aparently yes only sword… so sad ~~

it says right in the description sword specific. Do you want people to go over the meaning over every work in every description and clarify it for you?

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cnmshq, relax man i make this question couse i dont have the oportunit of play in closed betas, and i think that mean terrile, “why swords if the prefered weapon of clerics are maces?”… i only like remove some doubts

  1. I am relaxed

  2. Don’t try and govern my feelings.

  3. ToS has many skills that only reach maximum efficiency with help from other classes. Don’t be surprised if something sounds bad for your specific class.

  4. Monks/paladins use both swords and maces, to have access to the bonus damage of Slash and Blunt type.

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He even made a second thread about it LMAO

i made this first to know if work only swords or another weapons, when i see ho are only swords i make a sugestion to change to other weapons to, isn’t a duplicate