Tree of Savior Forum

PvP cata-goon build

Yeah same here. I’m also dubious about losing that pdef, it would be very situational, as in no archers on the other side.

R7x and warlock’s balls are not a death sentence anymore lol

Archer rarely hit u with pdef related things anyway. Threatening ones just broadhead arrow bleed that pdef do nothing for. The honest one without bha are easily done in by rush restrain.

I just buy the superior recipe from market. i will make it up by selling my own lucky drop.

good thing in our server… it only cost 200k for the recipe. and just around 800k total just to create the whole boots.:blush:

With all the debate on str vs dex, 1:1 seems safe. This build can give you around 80% evasion as long as monster lvl is same or lower than you without special equipments and you feed your hoglan and use leather armor and uptime guardian.

At least so far, i am only lv155 atm.

Str is still good for block penetration , you still want some cuz you are not gonna be fighting archers/swordsman all the time.

Shield with 440 magic defense wow:

Will be great to tank magic with it :smiley:

There is also like a 1h sword with 300+ magic defense, but this build probably won’t make use of it.

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Item level 461?..when will it be implemented…like 2020😅

That Superior korovos boots that give magic defense, there’s an upgraded purple version of that in ktos as well

Reached a new milestone in this build:

Finally reached cata c3 xD

I haven’t been able to level as fast as I wanted coz of real life. But with rush in my arsenal I feel super strong now.

Earthwave and Doomspike are both 1 shotting normal mobs 10 levels higher than me atm, and rush makes waste of any elites or lots of normal mobs.

I’m lv178 right now, and I probably won’t be able to reach r8 once r8 is out so that kinda sucks, but overall not too bad.

RIP cataphract 3 topic. Spread the cata love.

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Ok …what is the best gem for us? Putting it in my didel shield …level 7 red gem vs green gem

74 patak vs 114 critrate…

To maximize out shieldwielding capability🤗

We lack power compared to our bro sw3 cata3…cause they use 2 handed spear…this is the only way we can catch up to their atack power…atleast

RIP cata indeed~

I would go for crit rate and try to get PATK from transcend.

Let’s talk about dragon tooth lv10 + lv5 dragon soar vs. dragon tooth lv5 + lv10 dragon soar.

I would go for lv10 dragon soar cuz the charge time for dragon tooth increases every level. Some koreans suggest not to level it or leave it at like lv3 you know like cartar stroke.

that’s probably true only for pvp cataphract builds
for a hoplite build its better to take dragontooth because of spear lunge.

Does using rush reset your DPS ranking for bosses in your experience?

I think there is something going on with pouncing and rush and resetting DPS meters.

probably not since i often get #1 in bosses
don’t expect #1 with this class though, archers and hoplite dragoons are significantly stronger in terms of bossing dps

IMHO, for Cata Goon DPS, spending a lot of money for attributes is the only reliable and future proof way to increase DPS.

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honestly just don’t build a cata for dps, i’d hate myself if cataphract was my dps class, there are better classes for that.
its the simple balance between utility and damage, you cannot have both
i still love cataphract because i love pvp.

I did not mean build one for DPS. I meant a Cata’s DPS in general. Though built for utility, we still need a little DPS to gain exp. Especially since noone loves you if you are not a Pelt.

yea, my rush can do 5k to plate, 6-7k to leather and 8-9k to cloth, all attributes and gear.

Discuss: best cards for this build.

I’m thinking 5x Minotaur cards + 3x glass mole or 5x glass mole + 3x minotaur for PvP.

Reasoning: this seems to be a burst build with most of the DPS coming from 2x dethrone, so 1 possible combo is sp potion -> 2x dethrone right at the start of the game.

Minotaur cards will be for stun rate. And I heard something about 5x card cap so that’s why only 5x of one type of card.

Edit: just checked ToSBase. Looks like minotaur card has been nerfed significantly. In that case glass mole might be the way to go.

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