Tree of Savior Forum

PvP cata-goon build

too early to count ur chickens.

at lv2 dragoon2, they already get most of their tool kit for more dps.

other class need more job level to maximize dps. Going to need to wait till people at least lv8 or something.

but at least we know dragoon2 is pretty good =p

Sorry to diminish your hopes brothers. The sad truth.:joy::neutral_face:

I tested it a while ago with 2 low level 1h spears, didn’t record or anything , just wanted to check. Maybe this changed after the patch? idts but it might be worth a shot, if you want to bring us a nice video I’m sure no one would complain. Nice lvl60 rush, that spear sounds dreamy lol Kaen is selling a +12 maga I believe for 12M or so in Orsha

is dragoon c1-2 really worth to take? as im currently at s1>s2>hop1>cata1 , i was thinking getting either s3 or hop2 for enhancing skills at rank 7 then go for lancer rank 8.

actually now when items are not standardized in TBL its even better
i can bring my +12 superior bandit gloves with double green gems and my full accuracy+physical attack head gear

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if it means im gonna maximize pvp performance
im glad to follow a meta build :smiley:
im having fun being among the top 20 2v2 every week :slight_smile:

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and what made you assume that? :smiley:
do you know my swordie build?

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That attri is hard to test… you need to have a same upgraded magas and brandish to test it then try it on a duel…

Woot. late reading this. I just settled for the max peta now haha…no more moneyzzzz zzz

full dex sucks, just like full str sucks just like full int sucks.
i don’t about ur specific swordsman about not adding any con AT ALL is bad for pvp.
some str can come in handy as well, if you want a better chance at kiling wizards but isn’t necessary (im still in favor of a hybrid build especially for pvp it seems like a good balance)
for a swordsman who wants to pure pvp, 80-100 con is the minimum because we are melee, which is a big disadvantage (so are clerics, but most pvp clerics got either 30k hp anyway or have ausrine or some kind of invincibility)
seems like OP wants pure pvp performance
so yea, some con comes in handy
you don’t have to add str if you don’t like it, but not adding con for pvp is simply stupid.
You’ll just get 1 hit by a warlock or a musketeer (most archers got enough accuracy to be able to kill you, as we know archers get a very nice accuracy and dex bonus as it is their main stat)

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i wish you could, unfortunately we aren’t in the same server
plz stop giving suggestions to people. As you don’t really know what you’re doing. Skill levels are a choice, if you want an impaler lvl 15 thats fine
just don’t suggest others to ruin their characters with your troll build please. Especially not if they want to actually pvp

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You need a ton of STR to beat Stone Skin (and full con wizards w/ shields) even with Cata’s +40% block pen passive.

true, but it’s easy to wait it out and just move around with trot (as you may know stone skin isn’t 100% uptime), you can also impale them for the duration
while having full dex is bad, having 0 dex will REALLY hurt you against archers (or any evasion build for that matter), i think about 150-170 dex is essential if you want to pvp well. Also you can get accuracy gems to ur gloves to make it even better There are a lot of archers and swordies who pvp in my server and my dex and high accuracy glove really helps me in TBL especially now when items aren’t standardized, so i can use my green gemmed superior bandit gloves :slight_smile:

You can’t wait out stone skin. They’re always going to alternate it with safety zone, ausrine, healing factor, mackangdal, sterea strofh.

Stone Skin is actually the only time op cleric fags are not invincible, lol

you cannot build your character around beating 1 skill,
to be able to efficiently beat a good stone skin you need about 500 str, do you want to have 500 str and 0 dex? and then miss 90% in pvp? not a really good idea stone skin is just strong, you can literally impale then out of safety zone and stun them while they are in safety zone with restrain there isn’t a whole lot you can do against invincibility no matter what stat you add
you gotta build your character efficiently so he can be all round pvp, in the end of the day you want to build your character to be good against everybody and not JUST against a cleric who happen to have stone skin.
you need con to survive burst damage you need dex not to miss and str to deal damage
you really need all 3 of the stats to pvp efficiently.

You don’t need 500. You forget stone skin is nerfed in pvp to 400 block + .4 x SPR.