Tree of Savior Forum

Proof that new players can still level fast

Well,there’s the fact that they actually put a time-limit on exp-boosting items. Everyone who heard of ToS knows it’s a grindy game, so why waste those *8xp Tomes doing 90% moving and not killing?


Honestly I got some problems during reset events that because people got so many DPS, it’s literally useless to setup some skills. Lethargy and Circling are few examples. On Diev 3, Laima and Owls are enough, other statues really give more harm than good if you’re not in endgame or PvP fields… I didn’t test linker but I can say JP and HK are also lmao skills if you’re’ not solo-ing… Even sharing buff shares same fate with physical link now, OMG RIP buff slots…

They are not useless by any means but for casual PvE dungeons, Saalus, and Siaulai missions they are useless until your other 4 are Squire and Pardoner with little to no DPS skills…

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Buff limits needs to go, worst example of Tree of Restrictions.


The best are people walking on your cure lvl 16, people like to waste more time.

And so Daino would have a chance to have another utility.


Could also make Krivis more enticing by giving it another attack spell since Diano would go, I’d like that :slight_smile:

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A lot of new players don’t bother with attributes for the following reasons:

  • Attributes cost silver and the player may be saving for a token
  • Attributes take time to learn, so it is discouraging to level some attributes
  • Lack of knowledge of the importance of an attribute in party-play

It isn’t until later when they have spare silver (lol…) and time that they start looking at attributes to help improve their gameplay experience.

in games such as everquest you could block buffs on your char. I wonder why there is a buff limit anyways? is it so that you have to prioritize, sacrifice, and min-max? if that is the case then we should at least be able to opt out of crap buffs and “like” other buffs. grouping up with random people does not seem to fit very well with a buff limit that you don’t have much control over.

one thing that annoys me is when the cleric won’t divine might asap thus forcing you to buff with a less optimal version of your buff.

I hate when I override more powerful buffs with a less powerful version, I do it out of habit. the game could use more sophisticated programming.

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