Tree of Savior Forum

Problems coming after problems - The game is already in ruin?
This again~

Yes trading and market needs to be westernized.
It will hurt the game and still not prevent bots.

But dungeons adn other benefits are alright.
The price is subject to discussion … wont be attractive for many, for the benefits it gives.

Cosemtics on the other hand … i already have a few that i need to buy … will come out with 800 tp … or more.

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it an expression… So the poor man f2p person would have to spend much much more time, then a person that pays for cash shop ■■■■. Eudemons online is an example, that game is pay 2 win 100%.

BUTTTT! if people want to buy it, then that’s their own business. And if I think the cash shop is to much then i just won’t play it personally(not because i don’t have money, because f2p games you tend to spend more then subscription games in my experience) . I do think complaining about a cash shop before it is even released is a doom and gloom situation though. Need to see what is in it, and prices first. F2P games have to make money somehow

just avoid these PC scams then, problem solved, coz that’s what PC means, infested with scams.

go back to yo good ol consoles, very low chances of scam there, PC is full of it ~,|~

points to evolve

yes less, but worse off too xD.

do you have insecurity issues?

must you always feel like you are on the ‘winning’ side?

In life, people are not born the same, some have more talents, some are born in to well to do families.

Some people have more time to play ToS, some have more cash to spend on ToS.

Tbh… idk whats the problem about now lol. Nonetheless this is a forum where you can express ur opinions for all to see right…?


I think is a bit early to say something like this and Staff Julie showed us a great effort to update us during the weekend with the clarification on Founder’s Pack thread and promised search for answers about other relevant questions:

So all we have to do is wait now.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I like how some people react with “go play something else” or “it’s just a betah”.
Let’s clear up some things.
The ability to endure nonsense caused by poor management doesn’t make you hardcore player. Really. I mean that.
Beta is meant for revealing problems and solving them. If problems are floated before it even started - it means IMC screwed up.
Receiving feedback is part of maintaining product. It’s not even a problem of forum paladins. Deal with it.
Also take a note that game gets payed features from the start. You see that everywhere nowadays though. Typically you see that in games which never leave the beta state.

We have had several threads of the same issue and they are continuously being visited and used, so I’m going to lock this thread.

The same will apply to all newer threads addressing the same matter.