To sum up this topic in a few short words; “I don’t want to spend money, game is going to crash and burn because i say so!”.
In all honesty, I was apart of the Beta testing of this game, and have played on the Korean version of it. Enjoyed them both, didn’t even spend a time in the Korean version, although I could have, but chose not to. That didn’t ruin my gameplay, especially for a game like Tree of Savior.
Honestly, people are getting their panties in a not over nothing but convenience items. Like really, movement speed +3? So someone can walk quite literally 0.5 seconds faster than you, and that’s going to set people off? Give me a break.
Until we know how much stuff will actually cost in the cash shop, there’s no use in complaining. For all we know the cheapest pack for $10, and the TP they provide you could even be enough to buy a token, so right there, you got your monies worth, and were bitching about the Token system for no reason.
And in all honesty, 5 dungeon runs (per dungeon) a day is fine by me, personally, as an Mmorpg player myself, after 2 dungeon runs, unless I’m really gunning for an item, well, I’m flat out bored of it. So I can’t imagine limiting dungeon runs is going to make very many people cry out “The sky is falling!”.
But hey, to each his own. I’m just going to enjoy the hell outta the game. Already clocked in over 130 hours during the Beta, so that right there tells me I must be enjoying it regardless. (And even more hours on the Korean version, been a while since I’ve checked though.)