Tree of Savior Forum

Problems coming after problems - The game is already in ruin?

" Just keep in mind, that LoL only has cosmetics in shops, and they are
living pretty good. Cosmetic shop can be a huge hit, if it’s managed

LoL also has a massive amount more players, letting them get away with simple cosmetics, ToS doesnt have that huge of a playerbase, theres no way they can make enough money off of a handful of costumes and hairstyles.

Theres a compromise that needs to be set in place or things will only degrade, if trade was fully open Bots/Currency sellers would be rampant and destroy whatever semblace of economy there’d be.

IMC isnt swimming in cash, all they done so far wasnt free to them, nor will the server maintnance / bot fighting and futur content be.

They need to get that extra money where they can.

You could, maybe, watch animes while waiting for the game to be released.

Based on his profile he said he is 30 yrs old. I loled. Every thread he makes is all about whining. What does he know about running a company? But sometimes he makes good posts but he still proceeds to flame the company. I dont know how indecisive this guy can be. Bipolar probably.

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U Forget we have only server NA

I don’t like whining, but I partially agree with him.

Come at me.

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Most FTP, just about all of them from the mmorpg side, are on steam as a last ditch or second chance at fame. They released outside of steam and decided to use steam later for more players/money or to bleed the last out of their product.

ToS is launching virgin, internationally, on Steam. Don’t compare.

WoW is 15usd a month, not 10. Last time I paid 10usd for a solid western mmorpg was over a decade ago, maybe even 13 years? Dofus and Wakfu at one point were both sub based, with wakfu needing to go ftp and still suffering while dofus has enough people subbing multiple accounts to multi box to carry both title’s expenses alone. It’s the game, not the price.

I don’t see anything substantially wrong with this game’s mechanics, token, or cash shop systems. I’ve already gotten both dlc 1 and 2.

Will see you in game Athem. :wink:


rofl this just made my day

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I’m glad you are happy. So predictable.

To sum up this topic in a few short words; “I don’t want to spend money, game is going to crash and burn because i say so!”.

In all honesty, I was apart of the Beta testing of this game, and have played on the Korean version of it. Enjoyed them both, didn’t even spend a time in the Korean version, although I could have, but chose not to. That didn’t ruin my gameplay, especially for a game like Tree of Savior.

Honestly, people are getting their panties in a not over nothing but convenience items. Like really, movement speed +3? So someone can walk quite literally 0.5 seconds faster than you, and that’s going to set people off? Give me a break.

Until we know how much stuff will actually cost in the cash shop, there’s no use in complaining. For all we know the cheapest pack for $10, and the TP they provide you could even be enough to buy a token, so right there, you got your monies worth, and were bitching about the Token system for no reason.

And in all honesty, 5 dungeon runs (per dungeon) a day is fine by me, personally, as an Mmorpg player myself, after 2 dungeon runs, unless I’m really gunning for an item, well, I’m flat out bored of it. So I can’t imagine limiting dungeon runs is going to make very many people cry out “The sky is falling!”.

But hey, to each his own. I’m just going to enjoy the hell outta the game. Already clocked in over 130 hours during the Beta, so that right there tells me I must be enjoying it regardless. (And even more hours on the Korean version, been a while since I’ve checked though.)


All these people complain about P2W but ever since I joined the internet back in 96’ - I have never figured out how does one win an online MMO. I mean seriously how does one get to this ‘You Win’ screen and credits rolling. All of my years of gaming I never got this playing any MMOs. Someone needs to enlighten me.

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This again~

Yes trading and market needs to be westernized.
It will hurt the game and still not prevent bots.

But dungeons adn other benefits are alright.
The price is subject to discussion … wont be attractive for many, for the benefits it gives.

Cosemtics on the other hand … i already have a few that i need to buy … will come out with 800 tp … or more.

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it an expression… So the poor man f2p person would have to spend much much more time, then a person that pays for cash shop ■■■■. Eudemons online is an example, that game is pay 2 win 100%.

BUTTTT! if people want to buy it, then that’s their own business. And if I think the cash shop is to much then i just won’t play it personally(not because i don’t have money, because f2p games you tend to spend more then subscription games in my experience) . I do think complaining about a cash shop before it is even released is a doom and gloom situation though. Need to see what is in it, and prices first. F2P games have to make money somehow

just avoid these PC scams then, problem solved, coz that’s what PC means, infested with scams.

go back to yo good ol consoles, very low chances of scam there, PC is full of it ~,|~

points to evolve

yes less, but worse off too xD.

do you have insecurity issues?

must you always feel like you are on the ‘winning’ side?

In life, people are not born the same, some have more talents, some are born in to well to do families.

Some people have more time to play ToS, some have more cash to spend on ToS.

Tbh… idk whats the problem about now lol. Nonetheless this is a forum where you can express ur opinions for all to see right…?


I think is a bit early to say something like this and Staff Julie showed us a great effort to update us during the weekend with the clarification on Founder’s Pack thread and promised search for answers about other relevant questions:

So all we have to do is wait now.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I like how some people react with “go play something else” or “it’s just a betah”.
Let’s clear up some things.
The ability to endure nonsense caused by poor management doesn’t make you hardcore player. Really. I mean that.
Beta is meant for revealing problems and solving them. If problems are floated before it even started - it means IMC screwed up.
Receiving feedback is part of maintaining product. It’s not even a problem of forum paladins. Deal with it.
Also take a note that game gets payed features from the start. You see that everywhere nowadays though. Typically you see that in games which never leave the beta state.

We have had several threads of the same issue and they are continuously being visited and used, so I’m going to lock this thread.

The same will apply to all newer threads addressing the same matter.