Tree of Savior Forum

Power Creep: What's Comes Next?

Not rly. For me it’s enough to use the latest WoW approach, where the quality of the equip gives you a fair advantage, not complete invincibility.


All of my concerns are now moot with the announced changes coming in update 11. Legend items will become far more common, available to players even if they hunt in the field.

This makes me very happy. IMC recognized the huge gap between casual and core players and are doing something to narrow the difference down.

Tranform costumes at the most are worth 30m. Stop the over exaggerating lmao.

Just keep farming and sell whats not a necessity

So your original gripe was that you wanted more easily accessible gear?

Careful there. I think people have high hopes of bathing in legendary level 400 items that are better than Velcoffer. My fear is that these items will have so low drop rate that you’ll be lucky to get one before completing all the Royal Mausoleum collections… We will have to wait and see.

100% sure this will be the case.
And, additionally, having legendaries drop in the field could probably be a very stupid move from IMC, considering how abusable is zone farming in the game.

About the new legend set, they will prob try to make you take the same amount or more weeks invested to make one as you would to a Velcoffer or Solmiki.

if they have a low drop rate on top of only 8 potential, that is going to be the downfall of the game…

Golden anvil to 16 and call it a day. Also community voted in favor of easier or safer enhancement (see popolion post). +16 on 8 pot might be easier in the future? (optimistic)

I wonder how master circles and attribute transformations will change things.

Everything feels very same-y right now in that the OP Classes have been staying OP for quite some time now, mediocre classes remain mediocre and unpopular classes are used as Guinea pigs by imc in each balance patch without really breaking out into the higher tiers of the meta. The only class recently that made a huge jump was Oracle, but I doubt that’s the way to go for all the other classes balance-wise. It also seems counter-productive to me to force class synergies between less played classes, because while they slightly get better, it’s obvious that IMC is very careful in buffing them, since they buff the popular classes in the same patches along with them keeping the meta at the status quo, because they obviously want they keep the current playerbase happy with the classes and builds they already have.

I hope Master circles and attribute transformations will really give the less played classes more uniqueness and usefulness, but the way balance patch philosophy seems to go on kTOS, it’ll probably be more of the same.

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