Tree of Savior Forum

Potential issue with Wonderland Costume Packages

So I was skimming the patch diffs like I do every Monday night (sick addiction) and I noticed something that looks wrong with the code. There’s a duplicate costume_war_f_011 when it should probably say costume_wiz_m_011. I may very well be wrong, and sorry if I am, but I think this code is saying that any male wizards opening this costume pack will receive the female warrior costume instead.

I’d hold off on opening this if you’re a male wizard. There may be another patch they push between now and the servers coming up, but that’s unusual unless they happen to notice this issue before then.

function SCR_USE_ALICEPACK_2016(pc)
    local job = GetClassString('Job', pc.JobName, 'CtrlType')
    local jobList = { 'Warrior', 'Wizard', 'Archer', 'Cleric' }
    local i, j, jobNum = 0, 0, 0
    for j = 1, table.getn(jobList) do
        if job == jobList[j] then
            jobNum = j
    local costume = {
        { 'costume_war_m_011', 'costume_war_f_011' }, <- costume_war_f_011
        { 'costume_war_f_011', 'costume_wiz_f_011' }, <- costume_war_f_011 duplicate
        { 'costume_arc_m_012', 'costume_arc_f_012' },
        { 'costume_clr_m_012', 'costume_clr_f_012' }
    local tx = TxBegin(pc);
    TxGiveItem(tx, costume[jobNum][pc.Gender], 1, 'ALICEPACK_2016');
    TxGiveItem(tx, 'AliceHairBox_2016', 1, 'ALICEPACK_2016');
    TxGiveItem(tx, 'Premium_Enchantchip', 10, 'ALICEPACK_2016');
    local ret = TxCommit(tx);
    if ret ~= "SUCCESS" then
        SendSysMsg(pc, "DataError");

Wow man, you really check their code out better than they do.
Thanks for the heads up!

that coding level… are they like college student or something… definitely copy paste.

Thinking of tagging all the staff and GMs…




This would probably get immediately fixed should they be made aware ASAP because MONEYYYYYYYYYY meanwhile the Corsairs are left to rot with their skill issues and botters/hackers are laughing at everyone else’s complaints about them!~


Hey … look at the bright side… there wil be naked eye candy wiz males for the ladys to stare…

i guess?

Prob land up like this poor fella … not the first lol

Then again i prefer to have a blade as my body…

Very Nice to see you again Excrulon. I love you add-on so much

PS. TAG some Staff in this forum
@hkkim @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @moderators @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

You prob see a standard response of… I will send this to a representative of the dev team again…poor programmers…

Why did you warn them, I want to see the shitstorm after the server is up

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they should hire you to fix TOS, maybe then the game would be alive again



Well look at it this way… if he highlighted it and nobody takes a look at it and nothing is done… wouldn’t it be a making bigger ■■■■ storm?

Everyone can make a mistake and Sv. doesn’t open yet

Maybe too much mistake HueHueHue

Don’t worry, there will be n00bs who forgo the warning of the forums and then start the spam in a new topic for the first time later tomorrow.

Good thing my male wiz already has the bunny costume on.
Can’t wait to make my cata look like a fairy XD.

thing is what @Excrulon is trying to point out is that was just a typo that can fixed easily…whether it affects it or not is another issue…

Though it will be fun to watch how things work out lol at their side if it was not fixed and it affected the poor wiz whom bought the costume

floating heads incoming…

the question is…"will that typo be fixed"
floating heads will ensue regardless of typo fix though

nah…if its not floating heads… its our dear commander load fail… or another bug

but i thought u wanted to see a blade for body ?

where can i buy this sh1t


Dont worry guys IMC will fix this after an emergency MT of 1-3 hrs and then gives you a exp tome with 7 days time limit on it :sparkles:


UPDATE: Maintenance has been extended by 30 minutes in the [EU] Fedimian server. Maintenance in all other servers is expected to be completed at the time announced originally.