Tree of Savior Forum

Pokemon Event - Poison, ninja nerf

Right? Either way its very annoying.
When they summon, their lvl pets keep interfering with your superior debuff.
When they didn’t summon, you feel unfair.
I feel conflicted.

Irony ON:

“It turns out that the current damage dealt with poison skills is working as intended, in fact the damage dealt before 10/24 patch was indeed bugged”

surely ninja nerfing is the right way :wink:

battled lvl 500 boss with lvl 1700 pokemon. failed. really? atleast make the dmg higher lmao. my pokemon can survive but 5 mins is too short to kill 1.6m hp boss. please do something about this ■■■■

Let’s see a video of you deleting all that stuff if you’re “done”

230 pokemon can’t defeat lv 100 boss,it’s THAT bad.

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hilarious failure by this company

be imc make a nice event for the first time in a while
people are having fun by the billions , orbit expanding into fun fantasyland
shut it down
pretend it was bugged
nerf dmg directly while not nerfing boss hp or upping time
im good at this
players are outraged they cant solo anymore , heh thats good now they will grind more and play more and buy tp boxes!! =D i am a genius.
players leaving , not doing the event at all
im just too smart and my decisionmaking just like gods cannot be comprehended by mere mortals
think about how to nerf the halloween events too then go to bed
a successful day!

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I have a better solution. Give bosses LESS HP. The poison won’t be as relevant anymore and normal pokes with dmg will have some relevancy and we will be able to kill it.


The same mistake was to make an event and put the monter energy to have low drop. It ended up creating an unnecessary demand in the market for this item and ended up with several people giving rage because they spent silver for an event item.

Offer 1 prac weapon for anyone who gets 500 orbs? What did the IMC expect? That people could not find a way to abuse the mechanics of the event to achieve? Wait until the abuse reports begin to get Solmiki at the Helloween event


Yup, monster energy got nerf… i usually get like 40-60 an hour. Now its less than 25… rip.

Or my luck is just bad…? (I’m grinding in demon district areas btw, so that’s a lot of monsters in total for farming the orbs)

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What? Now you people are grasping straws and acting stupid, is this how the community acts with every change…?

IF the event was “so enjoyable and fun”, then why would simply nerfing poison mobs ruin it? If the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY to play the event before was to poison mobs and run laps (so abuse one type of monster who can pretty much be any level), then I have news for you, the event was trash from the start.

Now you have to actually do the event and it’s all of a sudden horrible? Suddenly capturing a random poison mob doesn’t guarantee you can solot he highest difficulty with 0 effort? Might as well bash IMC


1- Get an Oracle friend.
2 Spend some time getting a 1-16M hp mob
3- Lvl it to 350
4- Get a party with the same kind of monsters (High hp and fast attack speed/elemental damage)
5- Profit ( lvl 1500+ bosses)

Good luck!

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or let us auto match with players whose monsters are the same level as yours

People be crying that they are DONNEEE with the event. Please, the event intention is to use all 3 pets you have to kill the boss, not sit your stupid face on a lv1 poison monster and expect it to kill lv1000 bosses by cheesing it.

Now here’s some tips for people who continue with the event as it was supposed to be played:

For people who have levelled their grummers to lv1000+ , you can release the grummer and catch another pet without losing your level.

Do a premade party when attempting. Your pet has to be at least twice the bosses 'level to kill it in time with relative ease.

Let the guy in the party with the highest possible level go in first. Let him summon and attack the boss before the others go in. The bosses HP scales according to how many people are inside the dungeon at the moment he is attacked.

I’ve got a 1.5m HP pyroego drop his hp to 800k the moment I hit it solo. Good luck to legit players!

The best part is that they raised the amount of shards needed for a Prac weapon that is locked into your acc (and the armor too)
But didn’t change a thing about the gem abrasive, which was the real goal of people looking for “profit” :x
IMCed as always xD

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Very dumb question, if I just started today, should I bother with the event? Thanks

The level1 cube from the boss is really useful and is cheap to reroll too.

Any alternative pokemon to use or grummer is still BIS

What NotVau said. ET mobs or bust. 1000+ is still very much so possible.

something with multihits like

ohh the one with spiral arrow. hmmmm
Does the dmg scale well with levels?