Tree of Savior Forum

Please Rate My Desired Build

well first off i will say this, i wont ever recommend anyone to get c2 or c3 of Swordsman, the Stun Chance may seem good on paper but its very different when you’re acctually ingame, but i will try to point out a few things on your build as it is.

  1. If you’re going to go c2 of Swordsman, you want to max out Pain Barrier, as its probably the best skill that they get that scales into lategame, and you want to get atleast level 3 Bash, for the knockdown affect.

  2. Theres no reason to get more than level 1 in Long Stride, the damage isnt significant and it cant be used while mounted anyways, you also want to get level 1 in Spear Lunge, as it makes the targets take more Pierce damage for a few seconds.

  3. You’ve completely left out Cataphracts main skill Earth Wave, theres no reason to get more than 1 level in Impaler.
    i havent played since the changes to Steed Charge so i dont know how effective it is, but i would probably get Doom Spike over it, and use Steed Rush as a pure CC skill, leaving it at level 1.
    i would also get any spare points in Rush, atleast 3-5 levels.

If you want a cataphract build, i sugesst something like this:

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okay, i have no idea how this class would work so thanks for feedback

anytime, glad i could help ^^

u could also try pelt… nvm skrunken’s build is better.
cant sb tho. sad.

You can use Swash Buckling while mounted, as long as you equip a shield or a dagger

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Nice, never knew daggers will make SB work. Thanks for this.

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So what am i looking for here? if its the pvp video, all i see is someone flailing about against people with no CC

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Left out the fact that its gives you +18% Evasion, which is pretty darn good on certain builds, and level 1 is enough.

+25% hp for 30 sec, you’ll need someone to top you off after you use it though.

You dont need c3 for the Knockdown affect, its level 3, so you’ll get 2 skills thats good for knockdown instead of 1, and the day you hit more than 3 targets with Bash, or Umbo Blow for that matter…if the people you’re facing are that bad it doesnt really matter what build you do.

I agree that Rim Blow is pretty bad.

Look, im not trying to say that Restrain is completly useless, and i agree that level 15 Pain Barrier is pretty darn good, i just cant justify getting it over Pelt or Highlander, i just dont think that its good enough in Group PvP if theres any sort of teamwork on the other team.
The shield block from Pelt can also be very good in PvP if you know how/when to use it.

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well in the end it comes down to preference and playstyle.
its not appealing to me, but i can see why people would want it.

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I think this is the post you want to quote from that thread:

@zombie1b When you said Str/Def did you mean Str/Con? You might want to add some Dex to that.

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