Tree of Savior Forum

***Please Do Something about BOT*** Look Here 10 bots

An easy way to spot botters is when you see the character moving back and forth constantly. never moving in straight lines. They are always bouncing around erratically.

very easy ,send a trade request. if they are moving and u send a trade request, the box would be annoying enough to make the player stop for a while to click it away.
they they still continue to move on ,and using the same path several times = bot

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ur tagging it all wrong XD

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facepalms…if that happens ill prob just give up on the game then

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Is there a point lol… there just so many bot threads all over the place…
Im sure they are kinda of tired reading this bot threads lmao

They did mentioned they are working on the bot classifiers…though i don’t know how and when…thought its better to not know how cause that will make a loophole for the botters to bypass.

Though yeah… the botting issues need to be resolved soon lol =p

@hkkim @STAFF_Max

what if a gm visit map everyday to check bot. sounds right? ofcourse they dont want to hire staff for that.

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I dont think i have seen a GM in my server … so erm…

Well…they could get ppl/hardcore fans to fill the role though…though im sure it will be considered a job position unless these people volunteered themselves…and not abuse their position… which is a whole different issue.

I’m seeing 2 of them right now in DPD2

RNGLooper and arielo

Tagging the CEO of IMC to come here and look at a bot report is like calling the president of the United States to come to your house and help you clean your bathroom.

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This…which i doubt will ever be brought to attention =p

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1 day pass

These bots still farm money


No action from IMC

They still botting

They earn more than 40 M per days

(200k per hour x 10 ID)