Tree of Savior Forum

Please avoid starting threads about any third party programs [GM Warning]


thats a great warning, but I got the [Resolved] for it!

Just let others create the threads who dont know about this warning, or are too enraged by the cheating. Or create the threads with troll accounts, then answer with main account.

@Soviet and the other cheaters provide enough drama for dozens of threads.


That’s pretty much what they do as a joke. Report themselves and make threads also about themselves to troll everyone…AND YET none of them ever get banned it’s kind of amazing honestly. It’s almost like IMC cares more about people saying something bad rather than what actually makes the game bad. They are the biggest troll of trolls. HUE DUR NAIVER made by I MAKE CRYBABIES GAMES

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The game is in this type of state so shitty that the normal players are the cheaters, and the cheaters are the normal players.

Guess which one buys more TP, invests more time in the game, buffer up their “total character created” count, which one needs protection? Yeah you got it.

not me

Open your eyes and see the light, your choice… quit or stay?

lol you call that a warning? Not even close.

*not my account

The forum is bot-free thanks to GMFrancis, but sadly the game is still infested with bots.

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IMC sucks, end of story. [RESOLVED]

Let’s start this talk in mmorpg reddit.

@Sorien hueheuhuehue