Tree of Savior Forum

Plate Mastery: Defense bugged?

It would seem the hp and maby the damage reduction for plate mastery id not working, i have equipped 3 pieces of plate expecting my hp to raise by 5% but it did not raise at all so i equipped 4 pieces hoping it would work but alas it has not raised my hp at all, to make things more thorough i raised my plate mastery to lvl 3 and it still has not increased in any manner of ways and it allso feels like i dont take less dmg from the damage reduction. any fix for this if it is a bug would be appreciated.

I know when i equip something that adds health it doesnt actually show up until i put down a heal tile and walk over it… maybe try something like that.

i have done that i know that happens when i use peltesas taunt with the passive hp buff but that dosent seem to work at all, like you equip the plate then you heal with a vail or healing tile and theh p remains the same even when i take the plate armor off.

It’s not 5% hp increase but 5% physical damage reduction
Hp only increase +34 / level

ahh that would explain it they need to reword it then a bit better along with some other stuff then.