Tree of Savior Forum

Plague Doctor build

So, someone alread play with this build for a magic dps plague doctor? It is viable in early and late game? For PVE and PVP? Thx!! The build stats is 5 SPR 4 INT 1 CON.

Im going to assume your stats is going to be Int and/or Spr?

I would suggest you grab Cure in you build since it is also a magic skill and will scale with Int and Hexing will help its damage.
Cure also applies a debuff on enemies that are being attacked by it. This should increase the duration on Incineration, thus increases its damage.

Also your a magic dps, so you don’t really need Zalciai at level 5

1 Like
  • You can’t use spell shop with out priest. so C2 Pardoner is not worth.
  • Max Daino that is why you have level 5 Simony
  • Hexing and Incineration already an aoe skill. You will not find much useful of Pandemic.
  • Zombie HP scale with spr.
  • Don’t ignore cure and bloodletting.

Take a look at this:

I agree with @frould, you don’t need Pardoner C2. If you want magic DPS, consider Druid or Krivis C2.

Why you put Blodletting? Pardoner can up the tim of incinerate in more than 25s, that means 25s+ of incineration + hexing of all mob(pandemic), thats sounds great (in theorycraft). But i need a feedback from PlagueDoctors players if the combo is viable.

I’ll just copy and paste what I said in the other thread:

In the beginning, I had considered going Pardoner for DE. But at this time and state, Pardoner is just not worth getting.

Each debuff gets you +2 seconds on incineration. Going Diev gives you a good 3 aoe debuffs from DZ, silence, and CD statue. That’s 11 seconds.
If you’re in a party, you’ll have more than just your debuffs on the enemy.This mean it’ll be close to, or over 20 seconds, giving you full uptime on incineration.

People are not clearing ET not because of deaths, but because of time limits. If you’re taking pardoner solely because of DE (which seems to be the case seeing how you don’t have priest for scrolls), you might as well drop the 2 pardoner and grab more dps oriented classes, like Krivis C2/C3 or Druid. 2 Ranks is a a lot to waste for one skill (especially when party members can add debuffs as well increasing incineration by 2 seconds each).

Here’s how I’m planning to build my PD:

I’m sorry I don’t understand what you are trying to say. What does Bloodletting have anything to do with Pardoner?

Just a quick question, what do you guys preffer for PvE/PvP:


obs: Priest gives Revive, Mass Heal and Stone Skin (op).
Dievdirby offers -20% cd, Silence (op), 18sec damage immune but the statues can be destroyed at PvP.

off topic question: Can telepath from Druid be used in players at PvP?

Well, thank you guys for your advices. So, and about that: