Tree of Savior Forum

Plague Doctor Bug: Plague Vapors

Date and Time: December 22, 2016

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Saintone

Character Name: Zidrus

Bug Description: Sometimes, Plague Vapors will spread to oneself or party members, dealing high damage if it’s not removed accordingly. It should only be able to spread to enemies.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. This bug occurs randomly when enemies are afflicted by Plague Vapors. I am unsure if it spreads from Plague Vapors natural spreading mechanic, or through the Incineration attribute “Infect” when enemies pass on their debuffs upon death to other nearby enemies.

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse): Keyboard

why this has been around since r8 release, i thought it’s the trade-off for such an amazing skill.

has this been fixed yet? (bump)


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