Tree of Savior Forum

[Palaquisitor] Advice

Im sorry about my advice, I didnt say kabba will do worse, only "offer less"
Mainly because long CD, but Im aware what Ein if Sof and R7F can do with the right situation
But on this case, he is a Dex Character that will mostly play physical damage and his main goal is DPS, so Imho Status Immunity + Regen from PD which can make him stand there safely spamming all his skill OR Spammable Skill + Bleeding + Armor Break from Monk 1 is still better ( only on physical case on PVE)

I can tell much other situation when Kabba is better (because I also love this class) but not on this caseā€¦

Thx, for now, in my head my build was like this => Cleric3>Priest1>Monk3>Inqui1 or Cleric 2> Priest 1 > Cleric 3 etcā€¦ itā€™s the same.

The build is here if anyone wanna see it ( in skills monk i donā€™t take iron skin maybe itā€™s a mistake ? )


PS : i donā€™t take the extra heal of c3 but in future i probably take it.

Good Days !

Cleric 2 > ? > ? > Monk2 > ? > Inqui

Monk 2 is already good, Monk 3 is arguable and for EB lover

Priest and Diev has their own pros and Cons, but if you take priest, your blessing will be less than a full support Cleric, so Take Priest 2 if you want revive and mass heal, but dont take Priest 3 at Rank 7

Diev 2 if you want a Pierce Skills, never fall-off utility, and a Good circle 3 for rank 7 filler (Yea, Those Ausurine)

Cleric 3 should be paired with Priest 1 (yes only for resurection) and Rank 7 Free Choice

Some example:
Cleric 2 > Diev 2 > Monk 2 > Diev 3 / Monk 3 > Inqui
Cleric 2 > Priest 2 > Monk 2 > PD / Monk 3 > Inqui
Cleric 3 > Priest > Monk 2 > PD / Monk 3 / Kabba> Inqui

your blessing will be a joke anyways compared to spr priest, mass heal is not that good (even less if you have no int), the only good point in going priest2 is revive.

btw iā€™m considering oracle as a filler for my cleric2>priest>paladin3>?>inquisitor so i can use it to farm items, it has a level1 debuff prevention (useful in pve?) and a magic immunity.

edit: i think most debuff if not every debuff in PVE is rank1, anyone can say otherwise?

Im at the same state with you sir, still considering all option on rank 7 :confused:
So oracle is also good? OMG more confused :confused:

Rank 1 can be canceled with dispeller thouā€¦

OMG Im really sorry about suggesting monk in this Palaquisitor Thread :disappointed_relieved:

Btw its basicaly
Cleric 2 > Priest / Cleric 3 / Diev > Pal 3 > PD / Monk / Kabba > Inqui
Stat CON till enough then Full DEX

Thats basicaly mostly optimal Damage wise and Class wise

Once again sorry
Plz dont flag me :ā€™(

Am I the only one exited about the cleric 3 buff to guardian saint and the iteration between golden bell and guardian saint, if itā€™s working?

Cleric 3 >priest 1 > monk 3 > inqui

seems rly nice, I always hated priest 2 / diev 2 anyway, priest 1 is enought for the MVP monstrance + ress and for me diev is a build around core class (aka diev 3 miko pd 2) or nothing, so for me the buff to cleric 3 make monk worth building for the 1st time ever pve wise since before, at least imo, rank 4 was a bad filler (priest 2 or diev 2) while now becomed a desiderable one (cleric 3)

If the belt doesnā€™t cancel the incoming dmg of guardian saint, still a build with cleric 3/ priest 1 / monk 2 / pd-kabba / inqui seems rly nice, anyway.

pally inqui wise I would go for:

cleric 2 priest 1 pally 3 monk 1 (dps version) or pd 1 (utility) inqui

priest 1 is too good in this patch time where dex is king, so the only call for me is the tier 7 filler, honestly.

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Little bit of an update and a question regarding Paladin 3. I just reached Paladin C3 and Iā€™m not so sure about getting Barrier 5, is it really worth dumping 4 extra points into it for the extra magical defence?

There are new attribute for barrier, reduce all ranged atack by 30%. but increase CD by 10, sooo yeaa, quite worth

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Oh, didnā€™t know weā€™ll be getting new Barrier attributes, in that case that indeed seems worth it. Does the ā€˜rangedā€™ include magic or just physical?

It says ā€œmisileā€ so maybe misile magic are included
It makes paladin good forr buffing bcz Elemental Resist and This new Barrier
You are basically will only receive 100 - 40 - 30 = 30% magic damage now, even less because your magic defense (assuming all of them have element) + 20% chance to nullify, kinda OP Imoā€¦ likeā€¦ almost ausurineā€¦ but still faaar awayā€¦ hahaha
(Which is good)

Oh and yeah, since its percentage its future proof :wink:

Sounds great, though I wish the Holy Damage attribute also damaged enemies inside the Barrier. Canā€™t have it all I guess ;p

Hopefully theyā€™ll look at Restration as well, that skill is in desperate need of a buff.

I made it!

Gotta admit, getting through Rank 7 was pretty tough due to a lack of quests and an insane amount of Elite mobs that took ages to kill, anywho, wooooooo!

Now all I need is hundreds of millions of gold for Attributes and Gearā€¦yayā€¦

Not sure which skill should I max first, Pears or Wheel, what do you guys think?

How are you doing at r8? :slight_smile: btw i suggest upping wheel to 2-3 until you can do a decent rotation, you should also get 1 point into malleus before maxing the others

Iā€™m definitely doing better than at R7 Iā€™ll tell you that, getting through those levels with nothing but Smite and Conviction was tough ;p
Since this basically is my first character ( I had a QS before but I never got past lvl 150) I have pretty terrible Gear and no Silver to buy Attributes so Iā€™ll need to work on that next.

Already got Malleus, now Iā€™m pondering getting Pears, heard theyā€™re a very undervalued Skill with a lot of burst potential. Iā€™ll obviously get Wheel but not sure if I need it right away. Pears seem like theyā€™d fill my rotation when Godmash/Conviction charges are down.

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When you have the chance to have a strong main for farming you can send yourself 360+ physical damage from hair costumes +12 to +15 trinity sword or toy hammer with level 6 gems and a few millions for attributes + petamion and max petamion + gladiator bands or sissel bracelet.

Even a full rainbow build can pull off with autoattacks all the way to truffle grind effortless xD