Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin: Restoration vs Resist Elements

Restoration is not double scaling but applies an additional multiplier in the formula or alters the current formula. However it’s achieved you’ll see double dipping in INT with the Restoration bonus.

No need to be a pushover. The Paladin FAQ is there to be updated, if you are willing to provide some constructive feedback and comments on your build. That would help with making it better. I’ve already linked it above. Maybe once you are Paladin c3. It would be appreciated thanks.

This is a collaborative effort. I just apply what is known about Paladin and help people out with their builds. I’m not saying anything is wrong, you are. Your build is fine too.

As far as I know I never commented in this thread, but for some reason I got notified about it? Can someone sum up what we’re debating here?

Well, it started as I was getting doubts about which one skill I was gonna raise, but it was already answered.

That was my doing. I editted out the quote as it was going off-track (something about you mentioning that restoration scales with the 5% bonus). Just wanted to clear up the issue with going priest c3.

To summarize:

Full-Support Defensive: Priest c3 > Paladin c3

Full-Support Offensive: Priest c3 > Chaplain > Cleric c2 > Plague Doctor

Both of these builds are viable?

I actually did quite a bit of testing and now know how to reliably stop these bugs from occuring. Though its rather annoying to do.

  1. The ai break where the mob just stops doing anything and wanders aimless pretty much only occurs if they have aggro on a mob you just recently converted. Which commonly occurs if you either convert multiple enemies with one conversion, or if you allow your converted minions to fight a mob your about to convert. You pretty much have to ditch your converted mobs by either aggroing them on something else, or by outrunning them to be able to get a decent stack going reliably

  2. If the mobs you try to convert are from a player ambush they will always despawn upon being converted.

Also the whole can’t convert elite mobs is a bit misleading. You can convert many of the late game enemies that have 90k+ health and do 1-3k damage per attack. It seems to just be the enemies with the grey skull with axes that can’t be converted. Which aren’t even consistently stronger than other mobs in the maps past level 200