Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Conversion bug/stuck mob

Everyone who uses conversion know thats skill as very “bug” and broken, if you convert a mob and try convert another one, the converted mob cant atack the new mob you trying convert, becuse this can made bot mobs converted stuck.

To solve this, and i belive among of alot another bugs this is the most annoying one!
My idea is kind simple, make possible to “right” click with mouse on converted mob and made a option "Release “MOB NAME”, after that mob will be unconverted or destroyed.
Chage and code/rework on AI is kind of dificult and is a LONG work and time to do that, as we know, sumon AI is pretty lame, my idea is simple and fast way, and will get time to you guys work on a best solution for a long term(AI rework). I think this is SIMPLE and easy to do, and will be helpfull and make skill more viable, every time the converted mob stuck fight against another converted mob we can chose and release one to unstuck.

And my apologize for a bad english ‘-’, hope you like this idea.

Good luck.

Also, while your suggestion would work, it is important to note that it would just be covering up the issue with a sloppy workaround. It is good to think outside the box, for sure, but the problem with the issue is a very, very, very simple one—converted mobs do not reset aggro flags upon conversion.

The real fix would literally only take a couple lines of code. It would be an incredibly simple fix—at its simplest, all they need to do is add a line of code at the end of the conversion process that removes any aggro the newly converted monster has against any enemy, and then remove any flags that any other enemy has against the newly converted monster.

Done. So incredibly simple. If @Excrulon or any of the other addon creators were still available I would beg or commission them to make an addon that does this. It really is just that the monster is inappropriately holding onto its aggressive state with a target that can no longer be hostile that gets them to both stand there, locked indefinitely in a battle that cannot ever resolve.