Tree of Savior Forum

Oracle and kabbalist experts come in

So, I’ve never played oracle and kabbalist before. Was reading their skills. I feel like their skills are… Quite underwhelming or “for fun”.

Can anyone who has experiences with oracle and kabbalist please briefly talk about the strengths of these 2 classes and why you chose them?


Both Oracle 3 and Kabba 2 are very underwhelming in pvm. You can pick Oracle 1 for Counterspell and Kabba 1 for Ein sof but that’s the best those two classes provide at pvm (and it’s still quite underwhelming).

In pvp however they’re still useful.

Both classes also have a niche role: rare mob farming.

Oracle lets you check and switch the drops every few mins. Yes its slow but faster than some mobs spawning even less frequently.

Kabbalists lets you increase the number of mobs, if they are not Elite or Higher. It’s a nice bonus to quicken your farming process especially for slow respawning mobs (not as slow as in case of Oracle).
However Kabbalists cloning has a time limit for its clones, so you need enough power to kill what you summon in a lmited amount of time.

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I see… Yea seems like oracle is more farm oriented with item change and predict dropped items.

To mrshadowccg: are they strong in pvp? Or are they still less efficient than other cleric classes?

Even at farming I feel like they’re very underwhelming. Clone has too much cooldown and cloned mobs last too little. It’s much faster/easier if you pick dps ranks and kill mobs faster than pick Kabba 2 that has no dps and clone mobs every once in a while.

Oracle can make white jackpot mobs but the attribute cost too much for what it gives… You also don’t need Oracle 3 for Change alone (can stay at Oracle 1).

In pvp both classes are good. Kabbalist 2 might be the lamest class in pvp because of revenged sevenfold. Even auto-atks kill yourself if you dmg a Kabba 2 with the lv 10 buff.

If you’re building pvm character, I’d strongly recommend staying away from Kabba 2 and Oracle 3 until these classes get extremely buffed up.

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Yea that 7 fold skill seems OP in PvP. Twist of fate from oracle seems strong too. Seems like an instant death when target’s HP is within the range?

But yea, Im only interested in PvE so these 2 are a no for me.

Thanks a bunch

Sadly Twist of Fate is hardly that good… The skill damage is capped at 555k (as are all other skills) which makes it quite stupid when most bosses are going to have at least 2m hp (in short, you’re losing a lot of damage potential because of damage cap). The skill will heal the boss insanely fast afterwards if it doesn’t kill him.

Oracle 3 skills just don’t justify picking the class for pvm. It’s not that great of a support and it’s not anywhere helpful with dps. Also, as much as I wanted people to follow my Foretell skill around, they would rather just stand still and keep laughing about having an Oracle 3 in the party. Okay, I’m exaggerating, but Oracle 3 is still in a really bad situation right now.

PvM at the moment is a battle for the most dps. Defensive skills are barely useful but I’m hoping they’ll add new content later on that’ll make full defensive support builds great again.

It caps at 999 999.
The only time I see it hitting 555 555 is when Kabbalist’s Double Chance is in effect (though anything more than a number 2 can potentially hit higher than the original damage already).

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It’s actually capped at 1,999,999 and is half as effective on bosses. IE: the 40% is 20% on bosses.

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Lol ok.
So i was not wrong when I thought these 2 were underwhelming. I mean comparing to other classes these 2 just seems so… Situational?
In my opinion IMC should completely rework these 2 classes, not just buffing them…

kabba2 double chance can combo with sadhu3

it’s work well with strong single hit attack

clone mob also useful when u farming many rare mob that only have 1-3 in map (ex. galok)

oracle3 is more gimmick, sex change shop and a thing

The main problems of both Classes are that they are underwhelming Rank 6+ Classes.
Instead of performing greatly for the Ranks they occupy, they only do things half-assed (e.g. Prophecy only prevents Rank 1 ailments while Bloodletting prevents Rank1+2, Foretell only has a 55% chance to avoide damage while Sterea Troph avoids all damage, Counterspell only has 1/3 uptime in contrast to Safety Zone/Sterea Troph that have more than 1/2 uptime, Ein Sof still relies on healing/recovery skills while Healing Factor heals you when you get damaged, Merkabah is one of the worst Rank 5+ damage skills in history[only surpassed by skills like Indulgentia and Decatose] and all number-related skills are badly designed).

That’s why they fall off especially hard when it comes to Rank 8 content, having to rely on lower-ranked skills most of the time to deal any damage at all.

While Kabbalist still has hope because of C3, Oracle seems to be dissed hard by IMC because instead of balancing the Class,it was even nerfed.
The reason is that the HP and defence reduction benefitet all Classes except Oracle, as Oracle had an advantage since it’s skills ignore defence and are more effective against monsters with more HP.

Now Oracle is dead last because it’s skills aren’t affected by your atk/weapon and have too much CD time. IMO even 5 overheats with 10 seconds CD time on Death Sentence wouldn’t be enough to rebalance the Class enough to become a “good choice”.

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Oracle is more GvG oriented, which isn’t around. The remainder of its skills are more for gimmicks and changing the overall flow of tedious grinding (which is also rare).

If R9 has nothing useful for Oracle 3, you’ll usually see them setting up gender swaps or being called to change drops. I do know of some oracle builds that can be scary, but that is only at the PvP level.

keep in mind that galoks are elite mobs -> no cloning
better examples to use Kabba are Tanus and Loxodons

I can clone Galoks just fine…

hm…thats interesting information there
indeed galoks are not listed as elites in tos.base anymore, tyvm