Tree of Savior Forum

Opening 100+ gachas no wings sad life

“i buy tp to get dem medals though. so joke’s on them”

mfw i get items that i’d be too dumb if i were to exchange them for medals

in a row…

it’s imc’s fault when we dont get the things we want out from gacha i tells ya OAO

i kid, but it did happened to me, and blaming imc for that (for either scenario) is kind of weird

If the exchange shop was actually kept up to date with previous cosmetics then I would be somewhat fine with Goddess Cubes.

As it stands now, the exchange shop is not updated frequently enough and needs a re-vamp.

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I feel you. Once opened around 200 and didn’t get steampunk wings. That was the red line for me D:

Buy me a male blue swimsuit from exchange and I’ll giv’ ya all my taltz

Someone put that exhausted popolion gacha picture saying cmo’n a few more wouldn’t hurt

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