Tree of Savior Forum

Not Surprised But

My Sorc and Necro summons don’t appear when summoned. Bokor seems fine though for some reason.

Server Name: Telsiai

Team Name: Distortion

Character Name: Elaine Aether

Bug Description : Sorcerer and Necromancer summons don’t appear
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Just summon
  2. wait for something to happen
  3. Nothing happens
  4. Damage comes out from thin air
  5. They seem to be present but can’t be seen and if you mount the Sorc demon, you can’t move.

Screenshots / Video :

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Check your gfx options. You need to have everything checked (except “show damage from others”) to be able to use summons, otherwise they don’t appear and don’t work. Not only Sorc and Necro, but Fire Fox is also affected by the bug. When I have time, I’ll check which option is faulty.

Ok this confirms my post, it’s your gfx options. Turn them back on.

Thanks Draconis. Although why the change… I played back then with my current settings and it didn’t have this issue. Well at least I can see my darling minions again~