Tree of Savior Forum

Nice silent patch

No, not yet.

This would come to iTOS sooner or later.

Oh noes, they fixed an obvious jumping exploit! Never thought this will happen.


is it meā€¦ or they patched the owlsā€¦ i can only make 5 and it says it wont et me anymore make owls :smiley:

IIRC this is from kTOS too. A fix for mikoā€™s ā€œInfinite owl worksā€.


My falconer C3 going down. The Circling skill go suck.What wrong with expand enchant. Why they nerf so hard. Did they think i need some little change to improve little DMG. If i have reset rank scroll i will leave the falconer now.

the expand skill need 25500 point that mean 25.5 M silver and they nerf it. Yeaaaaah What a deall

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For people who spend millions silver on attributes then IMC ninja nerf it

slow clap Well play IMC


Anyone knows if limacon get ninja patched and it is like the ktos version now?

What happened to falconer c3 D=???

It had a bug were it transfered more damage than intended.

easy explain before mainten u deal dmg 1 million now 100k what a deal. who need this upgrade with 25.5 m cost.

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Holy %$#%$# what did they done to Falc?! Someone explain it better for me, I beg u!


Can confirm, base damage for Limacon 15 is up to 190%.

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:confused: huh? Circling is a aoe debuff right? did Expand attributeā€™s spreaded damage got reduced? or was the chance to spread damage reduced?

I guess Rods are built more for PvP now. That new debuff will hardly find any use in PvE.

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wished i put those points into laima instead :smiley:

Ty, this make my day :slight_smile:

You can blame only yourself. Everyone knew circling was bugged, limacon will be buffed, barrier will be nerfed etc. Everyone knew, that this patch that was on kToS loooooong ago would come here soon. So blame only yourself.


So people should blame themselves for IMC applying patches without saying anything? I guess we canā€™t argue with the logic here, might as well not post patch notes anymore, right?


Sure. Patch notes are too generous step from IMC. In true hardcore korean mmrpg players has to find out everything themselves. Kids nowadays are too soft.


some exemple what circling change? i only know the "oblique shot"with circling bugā€¦ its this?

This is a bug, not a function of your skill