Tree of Savior Forum

Nice silent patch

Those who picked rodelero is probably the only players id agree to an extra reset, the sltihering change was kinda strong

They buffed pala? Well, I need to say that I’m impressed. The scroll was something that I said a long time ago that wasn’t healthy.

Still waiting for better news, will keep my eye open and read the forum from time to time as always, but this one is definitely an improvement…

I think its more they are just mad because they can’t sell the scrolls for absurd prices now that its gimped/as it should have been. As for pole of agony, they didn’t up its damage what they did was allow it to be targeted with a ground target like fire pillar, etc making it less of a suicidal skill to use. Previously it would appear right where your char was standing meaning in a party you’d have to jump into the center of a monster pack to even use it. I also think they upped its aoe radius somewhat too, since I don’t remember it being able to hit stuff from a bit farther away like it does now.

Limacon buff was needed as its let be honest the only decent skill SR gets. The pyro stuff was needed as well as they were pretty gimp.

Though I still need to see some Miko buffs, because she got hit kinda really hard. Yes yes green icon I know, but the hidden classes are supposed to be strong as a circle 3 class since they only have the one rank. Now a days i’ve seen circle 1 classes that can make miko look stupid in terms of damage. 2 Buffs I can see is fixing hamaya, so it has its ghetto CC back (it’d hitstun lock stuff so they couldn’t get out of it) and make it a ground target skill, insted of it being tossed out a but in front of your character , which makes it miss a pack of monsters hitting air. I actually after spending all day on it reset Miko out of my build because of how lackluster it was, and it really pissed me off after all the time I spent to do the quest.

We should have a thread or pastebin that focuses on hidden changes.

This happened in the past and still happens now.

Wasting my time searching through threads like these and rest of the forum. I did threads in the past that let people organize it and it worked out fine. But I’m busy now… So someone else do it.

Hell the community reps should have a secret civilian account and run the thread.

I made a chaplain-sadhu and yep, was totally wrecked by the silent update. Had it been included in the patch notes, I would have taken advantage of the final reset available. As it actually played out, I was unaware that this build was destroyed completely until the patch ended and I was left without any options to reset.

afaik, blessing always affected all lines of damage but the +dmg lines displayed overlapped, so that was simply a visual change. However, the Transmit Prana change from psychokino property damage that got added to each line to…whatever it is now, absolutely killed my build.

I am glad that the Transmit Prana self-stat buff bug was fixed- I think most reasonable people understood that as a bug and knew it would be fixed. But the actual core mechanic of the main, intended part of the buff being changed like that? Dude.

Man, I even crafted a Windia rod specifically for the chap-sadhu. It’s a little ironic or perhaps foretelling that a fps+lag spike caused said rod to get thrown away while dragging it cross-windows not even 10 minutes after crafting it. lol

More, I know a LOT of wizards who almost chose not to do warlock because of how crummy the pole casting was, but after learning that ktos was getting a casting reticule, changed their minds. Frankly, the timing of this new balancing and the ending of the event was terrible. They could have lost out had they not had friends paying attention to what happened overseas.

Really…the fact that for a while we were getting unique balance (unique cooldown times that ktos never used) made any actual balance changes being imported exactly as-is from ktos suspect. Who the heck knows what we would actually get?

Ok. I admit that I am sour. But really, when a build that I painstakingly tested and refined over the course of two weeks got smashed just like that without notice- and not in a way that the numbers were simply tweaked- I don’t really see how I could be otherwise.

It did not rely on a bug or glitched behavior. It did take advantage of new skill behaviors that synergized in a neat way. It was created as a response to the new balance presented in the revamp and was enabled through testing during the generous two weeks of resets allowed. And then, at the very end of this period, the period presumably created to allow people to explore the new balance and class revamps, the rug was pulled from under it and the core synergy was removed. Good bye grace period, it was a fun time to allow people to settle on a build only for literally the same patch that ended the testing period to bring critical changes like this. All I can do at this point is laugh about how I actually took class-building seriously. Why did I? lol

Edit: you know, I’m not even sure that it’s a communication issue really. We already know that the original change notes came in the form of, lol yeah changes were made. We already know that a lot of the previous patch notes included balancing change notes on skills that were outright incorrect. We know that IMC has a terrible track record and because they’re Korean this is somehow ok.

Rather than that, it’s more like…the timing of things, the magnitude of changes implemented coinciding with the ending of a period meant for people to settle into new builds.

idk man. tastes bad.


Communication has always been IMCs weak spot. They have been terrible at it from the beginning, and i have little hope that this is going to change.

I find it very telling that they haven’t even commented on this thread or acknowledged the problem in any way.


Oh I don’t think so, they love to communicate, post interview, news, discuss on forums etc…

They just don’t have a fuckin idea what are they talking about past costumes and pets… :laughing:


theAlleyCats: what’s next ? rank reset scrolls in tp shop ?

actually … I ‘think’ once all the classes have been released, they’ll probably think it’ll be time to stop offering rank reset vouchers/scroll For good.

they’ll probably try to come up with a different way to silence the “noise” with a different idea.

how did the Pyro skills got buffed? :open_mouth:

Fire Ball, Fire Pillar, and Fire Wall had their cooldowns reduced slightly.

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