Tree of Savior Forum

Next Week is the last week of July. Shall we have KTOS patch?

As past said by Staffs of IMC, we will get the merge patch in July…
I am worrying this promise will be broke…
Please release the information!!
Give Costume! Give Patch!


Submit your fan art for new LOADING SCREEN (fan art fest) then IMC will consider those things later :wink:


Good thing you said ‘WILL’, as in, it MAY happen, but it’s not certain.

any source that the merge will happen this month?

We aint got time for this BS. Witch hunts and new loading screens first.

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Good chance of it being delayed now considering the exploit situation going on atm.

Have you ever seen IMC not breaking promises or being shady as ■■■■?
Remember the “OBT soon” thing then 3 weeks later they make a 3-months early access announcement?

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