Tree of Savior Forum

New servers - Community concers [Megathread]

Decent idea, but very poorly implemented. Maybe IMC will actually hear its players’ concerns for once and change the way they roll this out, but considering how late they announced the details and how short a time frame they gave for pre-registration they probably don’t have time to do anything meaningful, especially without introducing some bugs and instability issues. Overall they shot themselves in the foot once again and there’s virtually 0 chance this brings anyone into the game solely on the basis of the inability for anyone who has ever played the game in the past to play on this server without a new Steam account. Only people who are already invested in the game will do that, and they’ll do it to farm blessed gems.


Make it a fresh start server for everyone. Let behind all the exploits and broken economy of old server and bring back early game for everyone to enjoy and advance together and unite playerbase. We don’t even need the buffs.


A test server would have been better than this


Unless they reset to a near launch version, there will be no early game even on a new server. 99% of content is irrelevant in the current version of the game.

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man what a let down… i hope i can comeback and start a new with others but it turn out just a temporary server and will merge at the end.

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Since episode 12 is announced for Feb 11 for all the servers, this is indeed a complete waste. The game was moribund, not it’s schizophenic too…


This server only exists for mass Botters and people who enjoy having multiple accounts


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