Tree of Savior Forum

New cleric player need build advice

At least kung fu frog is definitely more interesting RP.

heh i was under the impression that sadhu did the monk skills in oob but that was silly. having an actual monk char is a pipe-dream. no fist weapons, no synergy, no dice. i understand that now. just nostalgia from ro but itā€™s a shame that monk turns into a filler-class for a certain niche pve build to replace essentially auto-attacks.

focusing on the cleric2 > krivis3 > miko > oracle > taoist. my understanding is that iā€™ll be able to deny most forms of damage (between safety zone and counter spell), cancel most buff skills and have really good synergy with all the lightning-based skills. am i thinking right this time? i donā€™t think safety zone applies, but does melstis work with counter spell? if not then iā€™m open to dropping krivis down to 2 and possibly replacing oracle if thereā€™s a better idea out there.

thanks again for all the advice, and sorry if iā€™m stubborn sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

I always find this thread useful when looking for build advice. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

iā€™ve definitely read through that and it was very helpful. if i didnā€™t outright copy the skills it helped me come up with the original taoist build, but it doesnā€™t cover oracle and synergy with melstis. iā€™m not building the skills like that first one, iā€™ve learned a lot since then for the record. maybe something like this (def not sure about miko skills yet):

When the rank reset comes, all of the experimental builds will be fine. I think you should do whatever you want.